
































内容简介:la末日之时,世界闻名的天才音乐家穿越到三千年后已经被毁灭的地球。作为最后一只古人类,他虽然幸运逃离了被外星人囚禁实验的命运,却又在阴差阳错之下,被黑心商贩当做X奴隶被贩卖。然而厄运并 没有因此而终结,再次醒来,他发现自己竟荒唐的成了另一个男人的“老婆”……他觉得自己一定是碰上衰神了,怎么一再和这个名义上是他‘丈夫’的野蛮男撞上。一个坚硬如铁,一个性格如石,这场征伐战中谁会是最后的胜者。他又该怎么在这个未来世界的外星球完成他的音乐梦想?———————————PS此攻除了下厨房,从来都是上得厅堂,下得战场,更上得了床。强受,偶尔炸毛。肉属于比较激烈的,有强X不适者绕男男婚后恋,一对一强强,无包子,HE。另附两只暧昧龙套攻,非万人迷集各种狗血于一体,大雷小雷都有。【谢谢大家辛苦追文,文文这周四入V,入V当天三更┭┮﹏┭┮】曾经有一篇好文摆在我的面前,但是我木有留言,后来它坑了TT这个惨绝人寰的故事告诉我们要多留言少潜水,坚决不做养肥党。1w0-98173 >>


内容简介:三年前,一场交易,无性无爱的四个月婚姻,在签下离婚协议书之后,他和她,从此再无任何交集。三年后,他再次归来,继承家族企业,成为这个城市的商业精英。慕氏家族的权威,在这个城市,几乎无人能 敌!庆功宴上,偶然的相遇,让本无交集的两个人再次纠缠在一起。事后,他疯狂的迷恋她,而她,却成了他侄子的女朋友。他不甘,想尽一切办法,只为了让她留在他身边。“我们已经离婚了!”白小悠终于忍受不了他的攻略。他只是淡淡的应一声,漫不经心的回一句:“嗯,明天我开个记者招待会,让所有的人都知道你是我的前妻!”“你无耻!”某女几乎是咬牙切齿。“嗯,这个你不是早就知道了么?”他倒是不生气。“做我的情人吧!”他继续无耻。“就你?没兴趣!”她学他无耻,语气里的轻蔑让男人咬牙切齿。“你有种把刚刚话再说一遍!”他大怒。各位书友要是觉得《总裁前夫不好惹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84416 >>


内容简介:云沐在云家十几年,才知道自己是云家领养来的。便宜父母收养她,只是为了给云家真千金找移动血源。如今真千金病愈,她没有存在的意义,被赶出云家。听说她亲生父母是贫困县的教书匠,穷得连飞机也坐 不起,云沐做好了回家受苦的准备。谁知,她那儒雅又贫穷的教书父亲手握各大名家真迹,有价无市!她那美丽又朴素的音乐老师母亲钢琴价格高达千万,全球仅此一架!她那憨厚老实的大伯给出的见面礼是豪华游艇;帅气的堂哥出手便是额度千万的黑卡;她那乡村裁缝姐姐给她制作的衣服,国际名模都眼馋……而她头发花白的亲生爷爷笑得一脸慈祥,拉来长相俊美的年轻男人:“沐沐,爷爷也没什么好送你的,看这个男人还是否合眼?不合眼咱再换!”1w0-60632 >>


内容简介:和小当家的妈妈一起穿!激光武器VS生化武器!我行我上了!你们别BB!一千打赏一更,有钱你们就造吧!熟悉的味道!熟悉的名字!熟悉的风格!没错,我就是马赛克!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《食 戟之田中秋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80647 >>


内容简介:预收文《有生活系统后我暴富了》文案在下方,正文文案如下:沈玉姝穿成了甜宠文里面白莲花女配的早死娘。看着眼前亭亭玉立的少女傅青璇娇俏地喊自己娘,沈玉姝心都化了。这是自己心心念念的女配,最 意难平的角色啊。趁着少女现在还没跳入渣男主的火坑,她一定要让眼前少女成为全京城最幸福的女子,帮她挑一个翩翩少年郎,平安喜乐过完一生。系统:宿主,我会帮你的!沈玉姝:……这,好,那就一起发家致富,给乖女儿挑夫君去!系统:“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感5,奖励火锅制作图纸一份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感10奖励精致珠钗图样五份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感15,奖励……”于是傅家人发现原本久病在床的三房太太身体好了,还经常带着女儿到处跑。听说沈玉姝要去开店,众人不屑:好好的高门主妇不当,干这种末流事!一个个都等着看沈玉姝笑话。三个月后,京城多了家火锅店、珍宝轩、绸缎庄……顾客都排队排出京城城门外了。众人:真香,怎么办?买不到了?某天,沈玉姝正在给傅青璇挑这京城儿郎。突然外面丫鬟跑进来:“夫人,将军,将军他回来了!”沈玉姝惊坐起:什么?傅远回来了?那个在原著中早早死在战场上的丈夫?傅远进门:“夫人,许久未见,可是不认识我了?”——预收《有生活系统后我暴富了》——赵静婉一朝醒来成了赵家村最好吃懒做的婆娘,屋里乱糟糟,崽儿脏兮兮,家里的米缸也空了。幸运的是,她之前玩的生活小游戏也跟过来了。“叮咚,扫一次地奖励半斤米。”“叮咚,擦一次桌子奖励半颗大白菜。”“叮咚,洗一件衣服奖励一小块红烧肉。”“叮咚,帮小崽崽洗一次澡奖励一个小镜子。”赵家村的人发现,村里那个最懒的婆娘赵静婉最近爱干净了,屋里变得亮堂堂的,崽儿也穿上白净的衣裳,家里时常飘出浓厚的肉香味。赵静婉家富了起来。出门在外长途贩运的赵晋升心急地赶回来,本以为自家的米缸已经空了,自家婆娘和儿子肯定得饿坏了,打开门一看:自家婆娘正吃着热腾腾的米饭,儿子正啃酱猪蹄子。赵·疑惑·晋升:这世界是玄幻了么?总以为自家很穷要努力赚钱的赵晋升×每天干干小活莫名其妙富起来的赵静婉。推一下专栏《网红古代养娃发家记》,已完结,小可爱们可以看看。1w0-81400 >>


内容简介:她白天是一丝不苟的总统府邸女管家,尽职尽守的供他差遣。他细心呵护未婚妻,她在背后默默无闻帮他铲除敌对。她是他的影子,他是她的曾经。她早已是个无心之人,不会痛,不配爱,她活着只是为…1w 0-76781 >>

Kimi O Chuushin Ni Sekai Wa Mawaru

First story. The student is a 17 year-old girl named FUJIWARA Kayo. She loves games. She is always playing her handheld (It looks a lot like a PSP) in class. One day, her teacher, a handsome, but kind of mean-looking guy named HAIBARA-sensei, catches her playing it in class, yells at her, and confiscates it. Grr, stupid Haibara-sensei, always ruining her fun! Kayo can’t stand him, and doesn’t understand why he is so popular with all the other girls at school. Ah, but Kayo is in for a surprise! The second story. It’s about a shy girl named ICHII Ekko who has a great imagination and a talent for drawing. Every day at school she fills her lined notebook with drawings, complete manga stories, about the people around her. She can turn any minor interaction into a silly shoujo manga plot, complete with sparkles and flowers, and a heroine that looks just like herself. Her notebook is her secret, and it would be horribly embarrassing if anyone found out about it... Story 3. High school girl Naomi is excited to learn there is a new boy transferring into their class. Until this year, her school was a girl’s school, and even though it’s now co-ed, biys are scarce. So a new boy at school is big news! Unfortunately for Nao, the transfer student isn’t exactly a nice guy. His name is Katsuyuki-kun, and he’s tall and scary looking. He has an aura around him that just screams ‘do not touch! go away!’ He is like a feral cat or some other wild animal. But in spite of this, Nao doesn’t give in. She can tell something isn’t right. Will she be able to make friends with him? Story 4 is about a guy and girl who are already a couple. Rinako really likes Shun, but he doesn’t seem to want to take their relationship seriously. Even though he know it makes her mad, he is always going out with other girls. When Rinako confronts him angrily, he apologizes, but that doesn’t stop him from doing the same thing over again. In fact, he is always playing tricks on her and doing little things to boter her. But will she still take him back when he goes a step too far? Finally, the last story is a brief and funny tale of friendship, jealousy, and romance, with a bit of basketball thrown in.

Cherry Na Bokura

From Rebellious Love: A 17-year-old girl, who has no experience with guys, one day sees a classmate drop something and without realizing what it is, she returns it to the guy. But soon she finds out that what she picked up was actually a condom! After school, she coincidentally meets the guy in the hallway and she's excited to be so close to a guy for the first time! But when she sees him flirting with other girls, she realizes that he's just a player...? What will happen between them?!

Kousha No Ura Ni Wa Tenshi Ga Umerarete Iru

Kousha no Ura ni wa Tenshi ga Umerarete Iru summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kousha no Ura ni wa Tenshi ga Umerarete Iru. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


From Broccoli: Kai Kudou is part of an elite organization of psychics known as Ashurum. Kai is sent on a mission to take custody of other unregistered illegal psychics in the city of Gald. However, he strays from his companions and is taken in by Yuuki Tokugawa, an odd-job-man who is currently working for the guerillas that are in opposition to Ashurum. As Kai spends more time with Yuuki and his mysterious sister Asuka, Kai starts to wonder what Ashurum's purpose is--are they trying to protect the psychics or control them?

The Oera Linda Book

The Oera Linda Book summary: The Oera Linda Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Oera Linda Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Timewyrm: Genesis

Timewyrm: Genesis summary: Timewyrm: Genesis summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Timewyrm: Genesis. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Her Ladyship's Elephant

Her Ladyship's Elephant summary: Her Ladyship's Elephant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Her Ladyship's Elephant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Talisman Emperor

Talisman Emperor summary: Chen Xi was a jinx who radiated misfortune the way a torch radiated light, and everyone around him knew it. His entire clan was annihilated when he was young, and not too long after that his parents disappeared. His marriage contract? Poof. Torn to shreds and gone up in smoke before the eyes of everyone in the city, almost humiliating his grandfather to the point of suicide! Cultivation? No time for that, he had a family to take care of!
This is the story of Chen Xi, a youth forced to stop cultivating and instead craft talismans to pay for his younger brother’s tuition&h.e.l.lip; and who, in the process, would rise to become known by all as the Talisman Emperor!

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