








简介唐家三少小说《琴帝》的漫画版,带你进入一个更加绚丽多彩的魔法世界。 神音师。精神系魔法师的分支,是龙崎努斯大陆最高归也最鸡肋的职业,却因为一个叫夜竹音的少年,成为了不休的传说与传奇。他会从一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中的帝王,给这片大陆带来了天翻地覆的变革。 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?








类别恋爱 霸总
















内容简介:宦官的忠犬宣言宦官的忠犬宣言小说阅读悬疑推理类型小说宦官的忠犬宣言由作家扶华创作晋江金牌推荐VIP20140924正文完结,总书评数:3058当前被收藏数:6168一个刚刚进宫当上皇后 就守活寡的年轻太后,执掌朝政十几年后,被羽翼丰满的小皇帝下令赐死。那时,只有她的太监总管为了她的一线生机慷慨赴死。也是在那时,太后娘娘第一次知晓了这个连男人都不能算的人至死不敢说出的卑微情意。重生一次,太后娘娘决定对他好一些,结果这么一心软两个人就好上了helliph小兵提供宦官的忠犬宣言最新章节宦官的忠犬宣言最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-71191 >>


内容简介:他是北境狼军的首领!叱咤世界的杀神!十五年前,遭大伯陷害,家破人亡,幸得沈家搭救十五年后,战神归来!快意恩仇!沈家的活命之恩,我愿以一生偿还!林家的破家之恨,提刀纵马灭你满门!1w19 242-25085 >>


内容简介:已更,微博年深不见☆预收文《梦醒撩你呀》花式打滚求收藏呀————人气小说作家言檬,肤白貌美大长腿,有颜有才还有钱,追爱豆追到飞起。一个不小心,混成了爱豆手下的流量小花。老本行不能丢,娱 乐圈业务也要拓展。迟沉出道多年,整个娱乐圈都知道他不接吻戏,工作室清一色男艺人,绯闻第一时间否认。直到有一天,新人言檬空降工作室……“这个新人我亲自带。”新剧拍摄期间,迟沉亲加17场亲热戏,无借位无替身,言檬被吻到缺氧。知乎热门问题:【和爱豆谈恋爱是种什么体验?】言檬匿名回答:腿软!腿软!腿软!!深夜,言檬写肌肤之亲卡文,进去洗了个澡。出来时迟沉把她逼至墙角,握住她的纤腰,耳鬓厮磨,“写不出来?要不我们实践一下?”媒体发布视频:迟沉家中忘拉窗帘,言檬长T下露出勾人的大长腿,二人共进晚餐,举止亲密,疑似同居!!粉丝:心累,工作室怎么还不出来否认!当晚,工作室发布微博:【迟沉工作室:官宣一下,这是我们老板娘。言檬】【言檬:追星是借着你的光,看尽这世间温柔。】【迟沉:清晨梦醒,最想身边有你。】————————☆阅读提示1一切人物没有原型,剧情设定胡乱瞎想2轻松向小甜文3看文图个开心,不喜请点×————————【《梦醒撩你呀》文案】斯文败类影帝×妖精追星助理戚晚胸大腿长,放着上亿家产不继承,跑去给艺人当助理差点被亲爹打断腿。喻骁觉得新来的助理什么都好,就是醉酒之后胆太大,竟然敢把他按上床。那一吻又软又甜,比酒还醉人,食髓知味,喻骁着了魔。第二天酒醒,戚晚什么也不记得了,捡起衣服就逃。喻骁:呵,撩完就不认账的妖精。戚晚觉得喻骁最近十分反常,滴酒不沾的他,每次和她单独吃饭都要点酒。直到某天,媒体曝出一组照片:夜晚街头,女人醉醺醺地扯过他的领带,搭着他的肩膀,垫脚吻得动情。戚晚打死不敢相信,照片里的女人竟然是她自己!当晚,喻骁掐上她的细腰,把她摁在怀里:“这次,你赖不掉了。”1w0-55468 >>


内容简介:《本书全文免费阅读!》苏玉穿越异世。开局签到上古重瞳!七天签到便可无敌!原本,苏玉想待在神天宗内安稳地度过这七天,但是,自己的七个绝世师姐,一个比一个暖心,迷人啊……知冷知热的大师姐, 痴痴呆呆的二师姐,韵味十足的三师姐,勾人心魂的四师姐,心狠手辣的五师姐,佛系天慧的六师姐,古灵精怪的七师姐以及心机的师父广月仙子……一曲《登高》让文道圣人下跪;一击必杀绝世剑神;弹指灭杀魔界至尊;这是,苏玉的无敌人生!1w0-73402 >>




内容简介:  当本体宗天武神躯遇上力量之祖黄金龙,当邪神武魂暗魔邪神虎遇上帝皇瑞兽三眼金猊兽,魂师与魂兽的针锋立场,会发生什么,是天生的对立,还是宿命的纠葛?当一个少年穿入绝世后,成为破国灭宗的 天魂帝国本体宗成员,机缘巧合与三眼金猊命运相连,三眼金猊是否还会再现原著的悲剧?天魂帝国和本体宗是否还会如同原著一般破国灭宗?这个少年将会在斗罗大陆上掀起怎么样的浪潮?1w0-3284 >>

Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica - Eternal White

From Night Constellations: In the continent of Polyphonica, spirits materialize in the world, surviving on the music that is played by humans, and live together with them. While the spirits don't appear often, some spirits have enough power to materialize in human or animal forms and live together with humans. Dantists, who play special music called 'Commandia,' are widely respected in this world. They are usually in contract with powerful spirits. The story of Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica revolves around the new Dantist, Phoron Tatara, the spirit that he made contract with, Corticarte Apa Lagranges, and their friends, in their daily life and work. It also revolves around the feelings of the protagonist (Phoron Tatara) and his contract spirit (Corticarte Apa Lagranges)


Last surviving member of the Nanshin School. She is young and exceptionally talented with the sword. She was living on a remote island with her master, 'Grandpa', who raised her from childhood while training her in his unique fighting style. He could see her inner power and feel her importance. This is her story.

Ender No Game

Based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card, in which the hopes of mankind rest on the shoulders of genius children trained to combat the impending alien threat, Shuho Sato's one-shot focuses on the story of young Ender Wiggin. From the time he was three years old, has been monitored by the military to determine whether he has what it takes to enter Battle School, a specialized school in outer space where the brightest children are trained in the intricacies of war and command. Considered to be humanity's savior, Ender struggles with the pressures of the expectations placed on him, and with his own internal struggle between his conflicting empathic and destructive capacities as a tool of war.


Rikitaro is a musician whose dream is to become a rock star just like Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison, but at the age of 27 that dream is fading away rapidly. Ooishi is a 3 time world boxing champion who recently retired and is now in the entertainment world, shooting a boxing reality show. These two unlikeliest of people cross paths one day but both of them think nothing of it until weeks later. Rikitaro is given one last shot by a record label to sign a deal but before that, they need him to get into better shape so that he is easier to sell. He stumbles upon a boxing gym which also happens to be the same gym Ooishi is filming his show. As fate’s wheels start to turn, neither man realizes that they will work together to train the best boxer ever, even better than Ooishi himself.

Fall Away

Fall Away summary: My name is Tate. He doesn 't call me that, though. He would never refer to me so informally, if he referred to me at all. No, he 'll barely even speak to me.   But he still won 't leave me alone.   We were best friends once. Then he turned on me and made it his mission to ruin my life. I 've been humiliated, shut out, and gossiped about all through high school. His pranks and rumors got more s.a.d.i.s.tic as time wore on, and I made myself sick trying to stay out of his way. I even went to France for a year, just to avoid him.   But I 'm done hiding from him now, and there 's no way in h.e.l.l I 'll allow him to ruin my senior year. He might not have changed, but I have. It 's time to fight back.    I 'm not going to let him bully me anymore.   ***This novel contains adult/mature young adult situations. It is only suitable for ages 18+ due to language, violence, and s.e.xual situations.


Unthinkable summary: Unthinkable summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Unthinkable. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dracula Sequence - Thorn

Dracula Sequence - Thorn summary: Dracula Sequence - Thorn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dracula Sequence - Thorn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Calling - Desire Calls

The Calling - Desire Calls summary: The Calling - Desire Calls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Calling - Desire Calls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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