


简介少年江语深因为父亲的神秘研究而被莫名追杀,同时成为了超强的“蜃血人”,随后结识了有同样遭遇的同伴们,开始了前往“蜃”的源地—“神秘之地”的征程,并和各个反派势力展开了殊死战斗。周双更—每周三/周日更新!主笔@溪蒙simon 编剧@百里风月






























内容简介:她是放逐于黑暗世界的妖精,妖媚勾魂,无心无情,无所谓正邪,只想随心所欲的活着,可是上天终究看不得她这么惬意,让她葬身火海,尸骨无存。再次睁眼,她是尧月国唯一的公主,不过却是个白痴加花痴 ,纨绔不化,刁蛮跋扈,痴恋尧月第一公子,用尽手段让他臣服在自己的裙下,却在新婚之夜被人暗算死于非命。皇族之人视她为耻辱,天下之人不屑嘲讽,却没人知道那具身体早已换了灵魂。黑暗中她勾起妖冶的红唇,媚惑如斯:“如此才有趣啊!”一手敛财、一手兵器,当天下大乱,她惊艳出世,列国之上,唯我独尊,从此,谁还敢小看她半分?衣袂飘香,那倾城一撇,又夺了谁的心魂?她只想肆意的重活一世,却不想在不经意间成就了无数人的惊鸿,无需渲染,便已倾绝天下!他,才华盖世,清冷绝傲,一袭青灰色长衫给他穿出了清风明月的气质,一身淡雅从容,不染纤尘,可终究因为那如妖如月的女子失了心魂,从天际跌落地狱,堕仙成魔!他,红衣妖艳,嗜血无情,如一朵开在黄泉路上的地狱红莲,勾魂妖冶,三千荼蘼染绯月,倾尽人间修罗色,明明是那么无情的人,是谁让他滴了红颜泪落在心口点绛了朱砂?他,随心肆意,无拘无束,一身白衣游走江湖,杀伐果断,快意恩仇,可长剑斩尽天下人,终究遇上了那人,最后宁愿将剑刺入自己心窝也不愿伤那人分毫!他,身怀仇恨,外面沉寂淡雅,内心却早已噬恨成魔,暗黑、死寂、腐朽,忽然有一日,那方黑暗的天际摄入一道烈焰,灼伤了他的眼,也灼伤了他的心,是为仇恨死,还是为那点光热而生?他,淡雅如风,无心无情,手中素弦拨弄,如仙乐可醉红尘梦人,也可如地狱冥音杀人无形;可琴音能控,那人心呢?1w0-84779 >>




内容简介:离婚前豪门老公重生了最新章节列表由网友提供,《离婚前豪门老公重生了》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的科幻小说,小兵免费提供离婚前豪门老公重生了最新章节列表最新清爽干净的文 字章节在线阅读。1w0-96466 >>


内容简介:景如星替姐出嫁,嫁给传言中又老又丑的残废三爷,然而私下里的三爷不仅年轻英俊身强体壮,而且有着不为人知的神秘背景,一再颠覆她的认知。初相识,三爷冷酷无情,“守好你的本分,服从我的命令,如 果你敢对我有非分之想,别怪我不客气!”恋爱时,三爷霸道,“乖乖做我的女人,除了我,不许看任何男人,想都别想!”求婚时,三爷腹黑,“洁白的婚纱,手捧着鲜花……这是哪首歌来着?”“咱们结婚吧!”“好。”“……”1w0-28238 >>




内容简介:简介:惊!惊悚游戏最终boss他不做人了!别的玩家辛辛苦苦打怪通关,最终boss在……找男朋友,谈恋爱。别的NPC在兢兢业业搞业绩,挣低保,最终boss在……找男朋友,谈恋爱!宣宁鹤, 宣宁鹤他在被玄凌宣找,与玄凌宣谈恋爱。就是,这个过程有点……一言难尽。玩家们:打怪,通,通什么关,困难max,max,max,AWSLNPC们:弱小,无助,求求大王别抢我们饭碗!什,什么,加,加班挣,挣聘礼,好,好的吧。(弹幕:打工怪,打工魂……夭寿啦,大王也要让怪996啦)宣宁鹤:……算了,这么凶萌的怪,还是等别的玩家打吧,我装一下咸鱼。玄凌宣:跟我,我让你躺赢。(弹幕:最好直接躺进我怀里。)宣宁鹤:……我虽然装咸鱼,可我没真咸鱼啊。冷漠洒脱蔫坏受vs超爱演有病病攻本文又叫《论在惊悚游戏NPC(boss)弹幕下保持冷静的可行性研究》652791w0-111535 >>

Sam The 3000 Bath

Sam is a young boy in Thailand. Not like other kids who can play happily, Sam has to train everyday at a Thai Boxing gym because when he was small his parents sold him to that gym for money. Everyday Sam undergoes a tough training. But Sam also has a wish. To become a champion so he can taste a happy life. It sounds impossible but a few years later due to an accident he finally gets the chance to meet the champion, who also happens to be his idol !!

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To Each His Star

To Each His Star summary: To Each His Star summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of To Each His Star. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado summary: Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lectures on Horsemanship

Lectures on Horsemanship summary: Lectures on Horsemanship summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lectures on Horsemanship. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Frauds And Follies Of The Fathers

Frauds And Follies Of The Fathers summary: Frauds And Follies Of The Fathers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Frauds And Follies Of The Fathers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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