
































内容简介:【一句话简介】:本来打算以普通人的身份和你们相处,可换来的却是疏远,不装了,我是文娱教父,我摊牌了!【定场诗简介】:三十而立,为了梦想拍网剧。太过难顶,车和房都抵出去。江边喝闷酒,半醉 救人溺毙。回首这一生,好似场凄凉戏。却无愧这最后——救人一命!【正经简介】:为救落水儿童,溺亡在江中。当李想再次醒来,重新回到了十八岁那年的盛夏。身怀文娱教父系统的他,一头扎进了这个文娱鼎盛的平行世界!谁也没有料到,引发这场文娱世界大地震的起因,只是因为一句——【你行你上啊!】这头倔驴随即回怼了那句被历史铭记的话语——【我上就我上!】他可不虚!毕竟他的背后站着另一个世界整整五千年的文明!“是你说的,那我可真上了!”李想撸起衣袖,并指如刀——文娱如蛋糕,先拿网文开刀!键来!1w0-9958 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:娱乐:开局帮女明星鉴宝】关小桐:“那个,能不能把那颗天珠还给我呢?我承认我看走眼了。”徐天问:“这”热巴:“这小杯子值这么多钱?”徐天问:“先把它放下再说话。 ”紫枫:“哥,这是你亲手雕刻的玉坠?送我的?”徐天问:“嗯。”祖鹅:“你是怎么看出这石头里有红宝石的?”徐天问:“这一片都是红宝石,这颗最大。”捡漏寻宝只是休闲娱乐,失落的国宝才是他的目标你以为他只是个普通的帅哥?他身上的秘密比你想象的更多自己认为好玩儿的事才去做是他的人生格言宠爱自己身边的人是他的行事准则神仙?我有这样的生活,不比神仙还要快乐吗,干嘛要做神仙飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-98587 >>


内容简介:【入V公告:要入V啦,后天也就是周日,2022年1月16号正式入V,当天三章更新。】我,迹部里奈。只是想要在游戏里面谈一场不会分手的恋爱而已,为什么攻略对象都这么的奇葩呢。第一个攻略对 象,开始我以为他是一个娇弱美丽的弱男子。只是男票的身体真的很差,一直在活着和差点死亡之间徘徊。不过好歹最后来了一个实力不错的医生,秉持着不抛弃不放弃的原则立志于治好他。结果人家最后好了之后干脆的直接掏了我的心各位书友要是觉得《我只想谈一场不会BE的恋爱》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84229 >>




内容简介:【正文已完结】1钟意是个胆子很小的小美人。偷送情书的那一日,晚风轻起,她小心翼翼将自己那封塞进成叠的信海里。谁料转头,就看见段则霄正半倚着门垂眼看她,声音低冷着说“可以”。“……啊?” 她一愣。少年缓慢靠近,漆黑的眸扫了她一眼,把她的情书拣出来,缓声重复,“我说可以。”2段则霄答应她告白的那一天,钟意以为她是不同的。因为高高在上的段则霄拒绝了所有追求者,却唯独答应让她做他女朋友。他是近乎完美的人间理想,温柔,俊俏,清贵。唯一的缺点是:不爱她。分手那天,段则霄穿白大褂站在解剖室里,面对钟意的质问,语气平平放下镊子,“我从来没说过‘我爱你’,一切都是你自作多情。”3后来,钟意毕业了,真正离开那座城市,离开段则霄的身边。他慌了。红着眼满世界疯找,“怎么办……我把钟意弄丢了。”4大家都知道,大学毕业那年段则霄和钟意闹得不欢而散。所以,几年后的同学会上,也就没人再拿他们俩开玩笑。反倒是段则霄自己,几杯葡萄酒下腹,醉了酒似的拼命往枪口上撞,男人微笑问,“那天……那人是你的新男朋友?”钟意不习惯撒谎,只好苦笑着扯开话题,“段则霄,你放过我吧。”缄默一瞬,他也笑了,眼眸中藏着一丝无奈和后悔,“除了你,我什么都能放。”破镜重圆追妻火葬场治愈温柔脾气好x高傲自大美强不惨文案已截图——————下本《败火》—————她第一次见他,在破败潮湿的巷角里。他穿廉价泛黄的白t、中裤和人字拖,指间明灭一盏烟。此刻,正面无表情掐住对面男生的脸。她并不害怕这样的场景,先淡漠的看向那个男生,而后望向掐住他的人,抿唇,用路人般的口吻,“借过。”对于她的话,他置若罔闻,一双漆黑的眸死死盯住她,“过不了。”“倪清。”他叫她的名字。“你这辈子都过不了我这个坎。”救赎校园阴郁病态x高傲清冷readapp2败给心动1w0-27469 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我,乔英子的咸鱼男友】陆言穿越到影视世界,成了春风中学高三年级的一名转校生。班主任叫李萌,楼上住的是乔英子。转学第一天,陆言就绑定了一个咸鱼系统,只要咸鱼就能 获得奖励。【检测到宿主在语文课上睡觉,符合咸鱼标准,奖励:语文知识1,咸鱼点10】【检测到宿主首次约会就迟到,符合咸鱼标准,奖励:一万软妹币,咸鱼点500】【检测到宿主不看行情走势,随机购买股票,符合咸鱼标准,奖励:单只股票未来三天走势,咸鱼点500】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w57332-80502 >>

Skyward Saga Of Kain

Skyward Saga of Kain summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Skyward Saga of Kain. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kimi To Kemono Na Yume O Miru

From Midnight Scans: A girl is raising a beast in her hearth?! A beast-like girl x diligent guy! The aim of the game is to escape completely! At first glance, Izumida Riko looks like a neat girl, and she’s known as the 'Credit Union's Madonna'. However, she's the repulsive beast girl who heads a robbery group. Aiming at Riko is a guy whom she met during her morning run. Is their meeting really by chance, or because of 'duty'?! Also included here are: Kimi no Kawaii Doku Ouji (Your Cute Poison Prince) / Musesouna Aporo (Inconstant Apollo) / Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru (Watching the Beastly Dream with You) / Motto Ranbou ni Aishite mo, Ii yo (It's Okay to be More Violent in Love) / Migite no Bonno Atashi no Kodou (Right Hand's Lust, My Palpitation) ----- #1: Watashi no Kawaii Doku Ouji/ My Cute Poison Prince Every year the two rivaling companies Ryuuou Comercial Affairs and Royal Tiger Products host a golf competition to see who is best. And every year Ayaka Suzuki, business director of Ryuuou, takes this opportunity to catch herself a new lover. Since all the men Ayaka tried before turned out to be insufficient for her passionate love, she is doubly happy to spot Yuuri Yamada, a new face among the Royal Tiger employees, and she doesn’t hesitate to seduce him… but could it be that Yuuri himself follows some hidden agenda by joining this golf competition?!?! … #2: Musessou na Apollo/ Inconsistent Apollo Unable to forget her past memories Mizuki thinks sex is nothing but a boring and painful thing she never wants to experience again. But when Mizuki surprises her classmate and well known womanizer Ruka Hirasawa making out with another girl in their college’s painting classroom, her thoughts change slowly. Seeing this passionate scene Mizuki can’t help but wonder how it would be to be embraced by Ruka… but what’s that? Ruka himself suddenly approaches Mizuki wanting to make this fantasy a reality!!?!? #3: Kimi to Kemono na Yume Wo Miiu/ Watching the Beastly Dream with You Beautiful, hardworking and overall stunning Riko Izumida doesn’t get called “Madonna of the credit union” for nothing. But behind that mask of a well-mannered bank employee Riko is not as tame as you may think, especially when it comes to catching herself the perfect guy. So when the one guy she’s been eyeing for some time now just so happens to rob her bank, Riko doesn’t hesitate to chase after him… and things start to take unexpected turns. #4: Motto Ranbou ni Aishitemo, ii yo/ I Don’t Mind If You Love Me Roughly In order to attract guys, Hinako always follows her mother’s words, and so far Hinako always got what she wanted by playing the hard-to-get. But then suddenly a rival appears at her college who immediately catches the attention of all the boys, including Katsuragi, Hinako’s secret crush. Devastated by the instant defeat Hinako turns to Shuu, who claims he would help her to get back Katsuraki’s attention, if she only does whatever he tells her to… but does Shuu really intent to help her, Hinako can’t be sure… #5: Migite no Bonnou, Atashi no Kodou/ The Right Hand’s Passion, My Palpitation Hiyama Touko, like any other high school girl has a secret crush but being the shy girl she is, Touko can’t do anything but watch the cool Kuga-kun from afar. So when her friend Natsumi catches Touko, once again staring at Kuga-kun after he helped her out in class, she decides to give Touko some courage through hypnosis. At first Touko doesn’t believe it would work, but then she suddenly loses control over her right hand and now Touko can’t stop groping poor Kuga-kun…. What the heck is going on?? And how will Touko manage to get back to normal again?!?!?

Ai No Tane (Oshima Akiko)

Loving pets discuss their owners and their owners love lives.

Sorairo Girlfriend

Little Girl (Romeo) - A girl who dreams to become a prince, and a transferee that looks like a princess

Everyday Adventures

Everyday Adventures summary: Everyday Adventures summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Everyday Adventures. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879

My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 summary: My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Soushin no Soushin Magius

Soushin no Soushin Magius summary: Soushin. It is a divine spirit created by humans, a new generation of sorcery that allows manifestation of one’s exclusive [G.o.d]. It is immune to all physical attacks and can overwhelm all modern weaponry. Modern magicians that are able to use such powers are known as . “The Management Army” conceals its existence and if one crosses the age of 16, they lose the chance to acquire this limited contract. Returning alive from the caused by the army, 18-year-old Hajou Soushirou was supposed to start his long-awaited student life. Together with his first friend, Akegiri Hiiro in a good environment filled with hope. But what awaited the young man was an unexpected position as a teacher and the war that was supposed to have ended. In order to save the maiden, Nanahoshi Yuuka that was a.s.saulted by “The Management Army”, Soushirou called the name of a forgotten G.o.d.
Raising the curtains on an awakening and accelerating summoning sorcery action story!

The Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England

The Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England summary: The Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Evolution of an Empire: A Brief Historical Sketch of England. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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