











类别都市 恋爱 霸总 总裁















类别热血 后宫 奇幻 日漫




内容简介:万人迷被反套路了穿书笔趣阁,万人迷被反套路了穿书sodu,万人迷被反套路了穿书小说,万人迷被反套路了穿书顶点,万人迷被反套路了穿书简容,余然一觉醒来发现自己变成了一本强制文里的万人迷主 角受。他的发小喜欢他,要把他打断腿关小黑屋变成自己的金丝雀;他管家的儿子暗恋他,要给他下药让自己属于他;他的死对头爱慕他,要把他家搞破产,好让自己依附他。余然:这个爱要不起,告辞!宴会上,眼见着这几个人看他的眼神越来越不对劲,余然一把挽住殷晏的胳膊,满脸深情,“我喜欢他,这辈子非他不可。”殷晏在书里是个性格阴骛,大家都不敢惹的大反派,关键是他从头到尾都不喜欢自己!余然看着殷晏阴沉的脸色觉得贼安全……后来他才知道他真傻,真的……下本预收《穿成恶毒男配后我爆红了》叶柏穿了,穿成了因为多次向主角成宣宣示爱被拒后不死心使尽各种下三滥手段而被全网黑的恶毒男配叶白。他打开微博一看自己八千万多粉丝数……这么多粉丝,要什么爱情!是钱不好赚还是粉丝不可爱?他转头就答应了那个钱超多,但要和主角一起的综艺,然后一堆打算骂叶白的网友发现,事情好像有点不对劲,叶白看起来一点都不喜欢成宣,而且这个小哥哥为什么居然该死的让人想粉。就在叶白接通告接到手软时,他发现最近他见到某个男人的概率似乎有点多?而这个人好像是男主那个传说中不可接近,只会和事业结婚的小舅舅……不久后,某娱乐号突然爆出当红小生叶白疑似与影帝成宣见家长,婚期将至,难道之前表现出的想通了都是为了洗白故意欺骗大众?不等大家脱粉回踩,成宣看到消息手机都吓掉了,迅速回应:请勿造谣,这是我小舅妈,并艾特叶白和宗政。叶白回应:乖,大外甥!宗政:嗯,我老婆说得对。广大网友:……1w0-93774 >>


内容简介:订阅率达到要求,仍出现无法购买或防盗章的情况,请在a个人中心清除缓存试试哦。本文只在晋江文学网发表,请各位大可爱们,给小的一点点鼓励哦您每次在正版前的订阅以及留言都是对作者的肯定感谢有 你1w0-111529 >>


内容简介:天地为炉,万物为铜,阴阳为炭,造化为工。气运之争,蟒雀吞龙。究竟是蟒雀为尊,还是圣龙崛起,凌驾众生?这是气掌乾坤的世界,磅礴宏伟,一气可搬山,可倒海,可翻天,可掌阴阳乾坤。世间源气分九 品,三品称玄,六品成天,九品号圣。吾有一口玄黄气,可吞天地日月星。1w233-70492 >>


内容简介:五百年前,水蓝星上的众人都听到了一句话。“力量,财富,荣耀,永生,乃至下一个神明,所有的一切,我都放在了那里。想要的话,就去拿吧。”整个世界也随着这句话成为了一场游戏。五百年后,一个刚 刚成年的高中生成为了玩家,加入了游戏当中。而拥有一个领地的他,在背后没有势力的情况下,也只能对各大游戏,伸出了锄头,挖起了墙角。1w0-28930 >>


内容简介:  【双强苏爽 、娇美动人千金VS权势滔天大佬】  唐念一朝重生,成了声名狼藉的恶毒千金。  没爹疼没娘爱,恶毒又草包。  偶然进入娱乐圈,还被黑粉冠以花瓶名头,怒斥她没演技。  花瓶 ?  五大奥赛夺冠我说什么了。  没演技??  三金影后了解一下。  恶毒?  救人无数,神医圣手说的就是本人。  唐念叹气,转头看到自己捡的小可怜:瘦弱伶仃,中毒濒死、眼瞎腿残,比她还惨。  算了,养着吧。  小可怜脾气不大好。  起先,他阴郁冷漠:“滚,别碰我。”  后来,他撒娇缠磨:“念念你再摸摸我。”  再后来,他摇身一变成了权势滔天的反派大佬。  唐念呆了,“崽崽?”  他勾唇,“乖,叫老公。”  Ps:1.男主身体会治好  2.男主前期身体缩水,女主当崽养  3.男主实际年龄22岁,不是小孩子!1w0-4439 >>


内容简介:人们听到他的名字就瑟瑟发抖,还有幸成为地球上最后一个活人的大球上倒数第二个死掉的小弟重生了。他重生之后要干啥?是统治世界还是毁灭世界?对这些都没兴趣,他只想死。忠心小弟为了让自家一心求 死的老大活下去,无所不用其极,将老大伺候的舒舒服服的,然后无奈地发现……注意事项:1、双重生,实一点都不小的小弟攻,攻宠受。2、、这是一篇末世文。4、标题里的“作”和“死”可以分开看。5、本文不黑暗,ampgtBOSS作死指南是原作者决绝精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新BOSS作死指南最新章节,书友所发表的BOSS作死指南评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持BOSS作死指南书友的观点。决绝的其他作品:重临巅峰(未来)、媳妇儿很暴力、穿越之复仇、原配逆袭指南(快穿)、恩有重报(重生)、我不爱你了、未来之全身是宝您要是觉得《BOSS作死指南》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-3604 >>

Daydream Nightmare

From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Meet Kusumi. He views Ichi as his god. He has no interest in real life girls because anime is his life. Meet Ichi. He has a secret that no one knows about, and he fights to hide it from others. He also has a past that seems to be surfacing through his dreams. But what does it mean when a guy promises to protect him by eating the 'bad things'? Join Ichi in his adventure to find out about himself, and what his secret really holds.

Higanbana No Saku Yoru Ni

Marie is trapped in a horrible situation. She's being constantly tormented by her classmates and regularly molested by her teacher. With nowhere else to turn, she finds herself asking for supernatural help from one of the seven demons of the seven mysteries of her school. All she desires is the death of her cruel classmates and teacher. How far will Marie be willing to go in order to achieve the murders that would free her from her living hell? Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni takes place in an unnamed school setting and is composed of numerous self-contained short stories, each told from the perspective of a student or staff member from the school. These stories feature bullying as a major overlying theme, as each story's protagonist is depicted as being either a victim of bullying or a bully themselves. Higanbana revolves around a series of urban legends caused by supernatural beings called y?kai, each of which claims ownership of a particular 'mystery' and kills anyone who tries to investigate it. There are a total of seven 'mysteries' at the start of the series, with numerous y?kai fighting each other in an ongoing turf war for ownership of these mysteries, which is granted to the seven y?kai who emerge victorious in the conflict. The stories' protagonists interact with at least one of the school's resident y?kai, who force the protagonists to deal with the consequences of their actions regarding bullying.

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New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces

New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces summary: New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Second Chance

The Second Chance summary: The Second Chance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Second Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lady Connie

Lady Connie summary: Lady Connie summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Connie. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Malicious Pursuit

Malicious Pursuit summary: Malicious Pursuit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Malicious Pursuit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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