






类别搞笑 恋爱 穿越 少女 其他




简介【每周六更新】进演艺圈的动机是不纯的。路人甲跑龙套是不走心的。而与男神相遇则是套路的。沐向南,生来就是NPC的命,逗比的心,怀揣复仇,强行改写演艺圈求生剧本!【恋恋星耀官方一号群 628527069】不写正确暗号没有群进的哦


简介存在感稀薄的高中生 织田晶,某日突然和同班同学一起被召唤到异世界。并得到了作弊能力,晶成为了幻想作品的经典角色'暗杀者',到此都还在预想中。问题是暗杀者居然能轻松凌驾于勇者之上——!?






简介惊世盗神一朝穿越,将门府邸深深,庶姐姨娘陷害,且看素手一扬扭转乾坤!半路遇上邪佞护食王爷保驾护航,一路脚踩渣男渣女,在乱世中混的风生水起。“王爷大人桃花朵朵,小的不介意替主子分享几朵。”她身着男装,一脸痞样笑的幸灾乐祸。“哦?本王以为你早就知道本王的厉害了。”王爷大人不动声色来到她身边,大手一揽将她圈在怀中,不顾众人惊诧目光笑的一脸邪佞。 好吧,在与无耻王爷比无耻这方面,她承认是她输了。










简介在东京发生灵性灾害【灵灾】已经有数十年。为了拥有国家阴阳师资格而在各地分方的养成学园读书的土御门春虎是一个连感觉灵气【见鬼】的才能都没有的超吊车尾!?【BLACK BLOOD BROTHERS】的闾之耕平的新作在【VENUS VERSUS VIRUS】的铃见敦的手中迅速漫画化跨越出版社的一大大计划这真令人瞩


简介【《漫画会》授权】因为一场车祸,黑雨变成了孤儿,但是事故似有隐情,而他也会常常被噩梦惊醒。看似平凡的生活因为帮助被不良少年骚扰夏晴后,发生的一个意外彻底的改变了,等待他的将是怎样的世界……《漫画会》每月1号上市!更多资讯请关注漫画会微博:@漫画会 。漫画会官方QQ群等着你216676634。


内容简介:忍界旁白所有人让我闭嘴剧情开始,突然出现的旁白让“原著”从这一刻向不可控制的方向发展。〖小樱外表虽然表现的一脸和善的笑容,实际上内心狂喜,这个井野也有今天,实在是让人值得庆祝〗小樱1w 0-79454 >>


内容简介:姜眠穿进一本小说中的同名女配身上,该女配共有四个亲爹,宠的她无法无天,最后结局被女主over了。幸好穿过去时一切尚未萌芽,姜眠决定和四个爸爸好好相处。一号亲爹:娱乐圈超高人气的顶级影帝 。二号亲爹:降妖抓鬼两不误的天师传人。三号亲爹:坐拥几百亿家产的真·土豪。四号亲爹:破案时犹如神助的冷峻刑警。等等,她只有四个亲爹,这个多出来的让她叫爸爸的是谁?1w0-2363 >>


内容简介:谁说阿斗是扶不起的?我还需要人扶吗?我被誉为三国时期第一博学多才之人,诸葛亮、司马懿都对我赞誉有加。什么?木牛流马?那是什么原始人用的破烂,我九年义务教育加3年高中加4年大学,怎么也懂 一点机械知识吧,随便拿点出来就秒杀诸葛亮、马均啦。什么?诸葛弩?都什么年…1w0-78418 >>




内容简介:  我死了很久,但我还活着,嗯……至少有一部分活着。老实说我不太喜欢那些盗墓者给我取的外号,不过我是个愿意接受新鲜事物的人。所以没错,我就是盗墓者们谈之色变的粽子,一个自认只是得了怪病 ,期待早康复的‘病人’。我患上了名为‘长生’的怪病,并伴有记忆力丧失等症状。PS.我被困在墓里出不去了,谁能带我出去?在线等,挺急的。1w0-1581 >>


内容简介:  为了拯救人类,通过时间机器打入敌营!  原本以为穿越能够让我摆脱父母这个不负责任的名字!  没想到穿越之后……  姓名:土宫阿米妥  职业:男巫  特技:脱发,呸,是降灵术!  ( 综漫同人,谏山黄泉,两仪式,桔梗。)  第一副本:食灵零  第二副本:火影(有点失败,不喜欢可以跳过。)第三副本:空之境界第四副本:犬夜叉———————————读者群:2029834351w0-2218 >>


Dionne, a neglected child, is always comforted by her brother, Lyon who has cardiac problems. One day, a tragedy occurs involving Lyon and now there is someone to replace him?! Will Dionne accept her newly replaced brother?


Jiya is an alien and a galaxy patrol member on a mission to Earth. His first encounter with humankind is rescuing a rich party girl, Kaede, and her chauffeur Kyuumonji Yukio from mountain bandits. Using Kyuumonji's body as a host, Jiya is going to check out rumors of a recent infestation of 'vampires' on Earth that are attacking beautiful young women.

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01

From Animag V-Tamer is a manga version of Digimon that was never really released in English, but various sites have talented people who have actually posted a translated version of this great series. Based on the original Digimon V-pets, V-Tamer certainly brings a whole new twist on the world of Digimon. It opens with Taichi, the main character of the series, attempting to enter a tournment with his V-pet, only to be disqualified because the monster on his V-pet cannot be identified and therefore was not a Digimon that was supposed to be programmed into the V-pet. A short time later, Taichi finds himself in the Digital World and meets up with his Digimon, Zeromaru, or just Zero for short. Zero is a V-dramon (Veedramon), and between himself and Taichi, they have a battle record of 100%. For this reason, the two of them were chosen by Holy Angemon to save the Digital World from the supreme evil, Arca Demon. With the help of their guide, Gabo, Taichi and Zero set off to defend the Digital World from Arca Demon.

Princess Hanaka

From Esthétique: Hanaka has never stayed at any particular place for too long because of her grandma's crystal ball. After hearing the news that they'll be packing their bags again, she cried herself to sleep. During the night, she heard a sweet harmony and dreamed of sleeping in a flower bed. The next day, as she was on her way to say goodbye to her friend, a trio appeared and identified her as 'Princess Hanaka.' They demanded the Laga Star, which she had no clue about. At the same time, a guy with silver hair and aquamarine eyes appeared confessing his love for her.

Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea

Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea summary: Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anton and Cecil Cats at Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Two Years in the French West Indies

Two Years in the French West Indies summary: Two Years in the French West Indies summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Two Years in the French West Indies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Essays and Lectures

Essays and Lectures summary: Essays and Lectures summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays and Lectures. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler

Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler summary: Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Charlie Chan - Walk Softly, Strangler. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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