


















简介这么帅的家伙竟然是个牛郎?为毛他的气质像一个翩翩佳公子呢?慕容皓,既然是你惹到我占我便宜,那就休怪本小姐不客气了!你,逃不掉了!那个傻乎乎的丫头撞到我,而且还吐的我稀里哗啦!什么?她竟然是B市第一首富的掌上明珠,素有“辣手拔草”之称的魔女夏雪薇!MY GOD !QQ群-325607225














内容简介:言淼一直以为,自己之于宋遇宁,是亲姐姐一样的存在。没承想,宋遇宁对她,早已心怀不轨。宋遇宁我可以亲眼看着你和别的男人在一起,只要他们能给你幸福。可他们都没做到。宋遇宁我1w0-1082 12 >>


内容简介:他,曾经失踪八年。可没有人想到,他是穿越到了异界,并且修炼了八千年!他,拐跑了豪门千金。可没有人想到,他在拐跑千金的同时,顺便灭了人家的未婚夫。他,在寻找妹妹。可没有人想到,他在找妹妹 的过程中,同时干翻了地球上的所有修炼势力。他能炼丹,会打架,若是有人惹了他……1w0-3830 >>


内容简介:《重生美人咸鱼且难哄》正在连载中苏澜被接回苏家的那日,全京城都知道了。众人都想看看被遗忘十余年的苏家五小姐是何模样。可见到苏澜的一刻,众人纷纷疑惑。不是说她在穷乡僻壤里长大吗?这弱不禁 风,一阵风就能吹倒的病恹恹小美人是谁?冬猎上:各家小姐纷纷上马射箭围猎。只有苏澜扶着马鞍欲哭无泪,“这马好高,我上不去。”好不容易被人搀扶着上了马,苏澜提着弓箭又涨红了脸,“这弓好沉,我抬不动。”而围猎的另一边,某个小萝卜头站在某男面前,“晋王,你可有喜欢的女子?”他挑眉:“没有,怎么了?”小萝卜头一脸激动,“既然如此,你觉得我姑姑怎样?我姑姑可厉害了。”晋王笑了,“哦?你姑姑很厉害?”小萝卜头:“嗯,我姑姑骑术精湛,还能降烈马。”晋王看了眼弱不禁风的苏澜。小萝卜头继续:“我姑姑百步穿杨,一箭能射天上雁。”晋王又看了眼手无缚鸡之力的苏澜,唇角噙着笑意,“哦,是吗?还有呢?”小萝卜头挠了挠头,想到前两日苏澜与他说的话,他眼睛一亮,“我姑姑说她比你还厉害些,能一只手把你按在地上打。”晋王不禁失笑,“是吗?那我也觉得你姑姑很厉害。”这是一个某狼装作小白兔“兴风作浪”,又被另一只狼捉回去的故事。(本文狩猎为历史背景需要,贩卖饲养和食用野生动物的行为是错误的哟!)——————————————————专栏《重生美人咸鱼且难哄》正在连载,欢迎戳一戳【文案】这几日,京城坊间皆言太傅之女阮蘅撞坏了脑子,竟在献王府外撒泼,说自己是献王妃,引得众人耻笑。可只阮蘅自己清楚,她分明就是在与李玠新婚争吵后重生了,这男人不记得她也就罢了,竟还毫不留情将她撵了出去。重生了那有如何,她本就是他明媒正娶的妻子,这辈子亦要赖死在他献王府中。阮蘅扬言,一个月不拿下李玠,她不姓阮!全京城都等着看她笑话。李玠近日有些烦躁,阮蘅不仅时时纠缠,与往日相较还变本加厉,更甚者,竟不要脸处处提及自己是献王妃。他当真没瞧过这般厚颜的女子。而阮蘅不以为意,逮着机会就来给他送茶糕点,每每情深凝望时便唤他一声“阿玠。”他分明不喜,却总不由心悸。每日糕点小物什不断,可他从未碰过。他每每心惊,女人似能看穿人心,竟知晓他所有喜好。可不知哪一日起,阮蘅忽而变了个人似的,整日只在府里种花养鱼,题字作画,不争不抢,旁人提起李玠时,她只是淡淡回以一笑。等了几日都未再等到人的李某人终是坐不住了,亲自寻上了太傅府。躺在太妃椅上的阮蘅懒懒地睁眼,“献王怎么突然到访,可是要寻家父?”“先前是阮蘅不懂事叨扰王爷了,日后不会了。”李玠:“……”“阮蘅,你又搞什么名堂。”婢女瑟瑟发抖,“王爷,我家姑娘几日前好像又把脑子撞坏了……”阮蘅躺在贵妃椅上装死,她 >>


内容简介:极品修真狂少最新章节宝宝吉祥秦天一觉醒来,发现自己穿越到了陌生的地球上,成了被豪门抛弃的弃子,被未婚女友踹下悬崖的苦逼。遭人嘲讽,受人愚弄。不过,这都是小儿科。我,秦天来了,俯视天下, 掌控乾坤!世界,因我而改变!极品修真狂少最新章节宝宝吉祥1w0-64523 >>


内容简介:中午不用吃五毛钱的面条了,亲生父母好像已经找来了。不确定,我再看看。毕竟脑海里也响起了系统激活的声音哎。我有罪,毕竟我阻止不了自己去搅乱这个世界,抱歉,谁让我生来就是少爷,流泪ing~ 1w0-134795 >>


内容简介:结婚三年,却遭婚内出轨。萧珂对爱情近乎已经不抱有任何幻想了,可偏偏这个时候,她才发现自己怀上了孩子。离婚之后,她原本的天赋总算是被挖掘出来,一步步成为闪耀的新星。即便知道当初男人并没有 出轨,她也没有回头打打算,而那个男人这时候却再度找上门来。“……老婆,跟我回家”“凭什么?”“因为我是孩子他爹!你休想撇开我逃走!”男人依旧霸道专横。1w91852-92729 >>

Shiranami No Illusion

A one-volume work containing 4 stories total, including the title work 'Shiranami no Illusion' [From Ivyscan]: Ryo is a boy who loves flirting with girls. One day, he met a beautiful girl named Touko by the beach. Ryo is soon deeply attracted to Touko, but because of an incident where her fiance died in a tragic accident, Touko locked up her own heart. How is Ryo going to help Touko leave her sadness and pain?

Ojiizoo Quest

Himeno is going on a school-trip with her classmates, including three boys who can transform into the buddhist monk statue, Jizo.

Psycho Knocker

Ashina Tomo is your average school girl who somehow constantly has terrible images of a train accident. One day, on her crush’s birthday, her best friend brings her to an isolated print club machine which is rumored to allow prayers to come true. What would happen when your prayers come true, but not the way you want them to be? By a cursed print club machine nonetheless. Present as a side-story in Fairy Cube.

Kiiroi Hon

[From Kotonoha]: Published by Kodansha in 2002 and awarded the prestigious Tezuka Cultural Prize, Fumiko Takano’s The Yellow Book is one of those rare works which you enjoy reading in order to feel the tender familiarity that arises between the protagonists and yourself. This collected volume was named after the longest of the four stories that it contains: a drama about an adolescent girl who falls in love with Roger Martin du Gard’s saga, Les Thibault. The remaining stories capture various fragments of everyday life with tenderness and humor. Through the kaleidoscope of its feminine views, The Yellow Book touches the readers heart by attending to what, in sum, makes up life—the little things of our every day.

Gamers of the Underworld

Gamers of the Underworld summary: Sherlock is a new generation Dungeon Lord whose ambition is to become the greatest Devil King and building up the greatest Dungeon in the Underworld.
He summons a group of other-worldly goblins who give themselves strange names, form cliques, engage in commerce, and even fight among themselves.
They call themselves—Gamers!

The Princess Wei Yang

The Princess Wei Yang summary: Life is unpredictable. Her husband loved her stepsister, deposed her as Empress and even forced her son to death. In that Cold Palace, she was forced to drink poisonous wine. So in the next lifetime, she made a promise to never do good deeds and help others, to never step into the palace and to never become the Empress!
At the Prime Minister’s estate, the mistress’ daughter is reborn into a she-devil.
An evil stepmother? I will make sure you go to h.e.l.l!
A two-faced, hypocritical older stepsister? I will rip apart that beautiful façade!
A scheming younger stepsister? I will throw you into the grave!
You guys didn’t let me live peacefully so you should also expect the same!
Initially she wanted to stay away from disaster as far as possible; however, a man’s heart is like a needle in the sea—impossible to search for, impossible to understand.
The man who once swore to abandon her became someone who can’t live without her.
The enemy from the past lifetime suddenly confesses his feelings for her.
Even worse, she is bothered by a handsome man with a thick-skin who doesn’t know how to give up!

Filippo Lippi

Filippo Lippi summary: Filippo Lippi summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Filippo Lippi. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Sunset With Izaya Orihara

A Sunset With Izaya Orihara summary: Durarara!! spin-off series that takes place after the original, starring Orihara Izaya as the main character. An informant appeared in the suburban city. He simply cruises for information, doing nothing but giving people a push on the back. [Geez, human observation (rehabilitation) can really be a pain] He is an informant. This is not to exaggerate – he is but one man. Setting aside the fact of whether or not you should truely call being an informant an occupation, he certainly has the power to obtain a great deal of information. He is by no means anything like a hero, nor can it be said that he is a villain. Nor is he nothing. He is only true. He is eternally obedient only to his own desire’s. [Humans] He is determined to continue loving the good and the bad of the ma.s.ses that are included in this world. He simply just loves humans. Because even if the result of his love causes his humans to become broken, the informant can still love these broken humans equally.

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