


简介作为一个黑粉,安夏夏每天最大的爱好就是黑盛以泽!黑盛以泽!黑盛以泽!黑盛以泽! 可为什么突然有一天,这个国民偶像会成为她的同桌?还大摇大摆住进了她的家……
































内容简介:她是东陵王朝凌王府嫡女郡主宫流苏,未来的太子妃,却是个痴傻儿,为了一份婚约而丢命。她是21世纪的神偷宫流苏,为了盗取麒零玉而死,灵魂在异世重新醒来。说她是傻子?说她是废物?她会告诉他们 这一切都不是真的。亲爹不疼,二娘不爱,姐姐不喜,那又如何?一样可以活的精彩。她是宫流苏,她的人生她做主!1w0-72562 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特工:开局救下郑耀先】周深穿越危机四伏的战乱年代,成为港大的一名老师,一次偶然的机会救下正在执行任务的郑耀先。两人结下不懈之缘,结拜成兄弟……之后,又在飞机上 救了王天风,被王天风相中,顺利进入特工学校……一个月后,周深学有所成。郑耀先:“你是我六哥的兄弟,咱俩合作,珠联璧合,现在有个任务派你去,以影子的身份回到特高课!”周深:“好的!”从此,一个谈之色变的特工出现了,代号‘判官’。(简介无力,请看正文,本书融合胭脂、麻雀、秋蝉、伪装者、风筝、和平饭店等等!)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特工:开局救下郑耀先,别忘记分享给朋友特工:开局救下郑耀先TXT下载1w0-61914 >>


内容简介:虐文男配的偏宠笔趣阁,虐文男配的偏宠sodu,虐文男配的偏宠小说,虐文男配的偏宠顶点,虐文男配的偏宠鸡腿冰淇淋,一朝穿成虐文路人后,夏徽音每天都在认认真真调养身体,兢兢业业的当路人。剧 情开始当天,她一步未出房门,就怕蝴蝶效应。谁知,本该摔在女主房门外,开启虐文男配之旅的顾锦嘉,当夜却带伤撞开了她的房门……再后来,家中双亲为她相看对象时,顾锦嘉疯了一样的将她逼至角落,阴戾的盯着她,“徽音,只要你乖乖听话,待在我身边,我可以付出一切代价。”夏徽音:……不是,到底是什么改变了你虐文男配的身份?为什么根本没按剧情走?偏执且占有欲强烈男主温柔病弱女主感情上,男主前期敏感自卑,后期偏执,女主前期冷清,后期柔情。阅读指南1文章背景一切架空。,男女主都是彼此的唯一。3一切剧情为感情服务。4各花入各眼,不喜欢本文的小天使,咱们有缘下本再见(^ω^)1w0-115063 >>


内容简介:沈砚浓穿越成入宫第二天就死了老公的寡妇。十七岁的孤女太后,还带着莫名其妙赖上她的拖油瓶幼帝,沈砚浓深知自己能不能活下来全靠太傅顾行宴的一句话,为了活命,她只能抱紧这奸臣的大腿。奸臣说东 ,她不敢往西。奸臣杀人,她望风。狼狈为奸,无恶不作。还要每天对着这奸臣花式尬吹彩虹屁。沈砚浓本质其实只是想刷点好感度,以求顾行宴看在自己乖巧可人的份上放自己一条生路。可能演的太逼真,吹的太真情实意,恍惚间连沈砚浓自己都信了。小剧场沈砚浓正在偷偷地罗列顾行宴的十大罪状前日在御花园摔倒,被奸臣搂腰——孟浪放肆,轻薄太后!昨日在御书房批奏折,奸臣用了她的杯子喝水——以下犯上,轻薄太后!今日——余光瞥见某人走进来,她立马收起自己的小本本,转头一本正经的对着在练字的儿子胡说八道“太傅于危难之中扶你上位,你一定要记住这份恩情,日后要勤政爱民,不要辜负太傅期望。”便宜儿子被洗脑过度,竟然认认真真答道“母后放心,儿臣定会像尊敬父皇一般,尊敬太傅。”顾行宴笑而不语。沈砚浓这倒也不必。下本求预收:《正妻》文案:十六岁听从父母之命嫁给了门当户对的镇国公府世子,婚后公婆慈爱,夫君对她怜爱有加,一年后就生下了嫡长子,唐云舒的人生就和她的名字一样美好幸福。直至夫君一次出征后从战场上带回了一个女人,容貌艳丽,楚楚可怜,第一次见面就叫她“姐姐”。一开始是恩人之女无人照料,所以在府中借住,她信了,吃喝住行亲自打理绝不怠慢;然后被她发现两人从同一个房间出来,他解释是喝多了,她不追究主动给了女子名分;之后公主招婿,他说他需要借此获得陛下的信任,她认了,从正妻变成平妻,在国公府身份尴尬的过着;从京都城最让人羡慕的女子变成街头巷尾的茶余饭后,唐云舒自问从不曾做过对不起任何人的事情,可惜她的容忍和贤惠,换来的不是感恩,而是别人一次又一次的得寸进尺和伤害--温柔的人一旦心智坚定了,便是谁也劝不回的,便叫他们知道,这世界最柔软脆弱的是女子,最坚韧狠心的也是女子。一纸合离书,自请下堂,她再次名震京都,然是非对错自有人评说,她满心只想找到失散的儿子……只是本以为孤单的旅途,不知何时多了个多话的男人,整天在她耳边叽叽喳喳,吵的她放弃了游历的想法,被他骗回了家。直至最后她才明白,原来不争,只是因为不爱。PS:前面有多憋屈,后面就有1w0-77536 >>

Sakura No Hiji

Narinomiya Aoi, the daughter of a distinguished family, has a secret. Thanks to her grandfather's debts, she's now the 'pet' of Katsuragi Kei, a rebellious new student at their prestigious academy. How will she escape the burden of the debts and what exactly is Kei actually after?

King Of The Game

Two high school friends take advantage of their friend's love for gaming by devising a game of their own to prevent him getting too close to a girl. As playing the game he realizes their intentions and turns the tables around...

Kodoku No Kane Ga Naru

1) The Sound of a Lonely Bell Father Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him? 2) The Flower of Captivity As the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer! 3) The Prince and I Hired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment? 4) Bubbly Night First Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him... 5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive Flower When Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his 'aniki' Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say 'I want you...'! 6) The Place That You Desire After the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his 'duty'...

Strike Witches: Tenkou No Otometachi

Set in a world similar to Earth in the mid twentieth century, Strike Witches tells the story of a fight to protect that world using a combination of magic and technology. The titular Strike Witches, a group of young women with high magical potential, have been gathered together from various nations in a task force to fight against the enigmatic Neuroi. This puzzling enemy force has appeared frequently and without warning in many areas across the world. The weapons of the Neuroi mostly take on forms similar to propeller aircraft but their most troubling tactic is the spreading of a corrosive miasma. Not only do normal humans have no defense against this miasma, but the remnants of the land affected by it are processed by the Neuroi into new weapons, crumbling huge sections of former nations into the sea. As the miasma seems to be unable to spread across large bodies of water, humanity has designated such areas as their main lines of defense. In order to bring out their potential for use in battle, each Witch equips a unique machine onto their legs: the Striker Unit. With the Striker Unit equipped, they gain the ability to fly and their tapped magical potential provides the strength to utilize weapons far too heavy and powerful for a normal man. Also created is a defensive field that can protect the Witches from the Neuroi's miasma as well as other physical weaponry, making them humanity's trump card in the war. The franchise's main media focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, spearheading the counterattack in war-torn Europe.

Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber

Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber summary: Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Ebb-Tide

The Ebb-Tide summary: The Ebb-Tide summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Ebb-Tide. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Drolls From Shadowland

Drolls From Shadowland summary: Drolls From Shadowland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Drolls From Shadowland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower!

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower! summary: Lin Wanwan is a pitiful mentally-disabled girl. Not only does she suffer abuse from her stepmother, her stepmother even attempts to use her as a s.e.xual commodity to pleasure others. Eventually, the poor Wanwan dies from an overdose&h.e.l.lip; 
Perhaps a G.o.d or a devil had witnessed her tragic fate, but Wanwan gets a brand new chance at life—an external soul takes over her body and gains Wanwan’s memories. 
The resurrected Lin Xiao swears to seek revenge for Wanwan. 
Having witnessed Wanwan’s death and resurrection process, Tang Chen is intrigued by the changes she undergoes. When he tries to cheat Wanwan to gain possession of her, a knight descends from the sky and saves her. He allows her to seek his help thrice. 
Just who is this mysterious knight? 
The revived Wanwan demonstrates her astounding talent and intelligence. Not only does she leave her enemies helpless against her, but she also becomes a celebrity who sweeps through the entertainment industry. Who exactly is she? 
When Wanwan interacts more with the knight, she realizes that he is actually a devil&h.e.l.lip; 
“From this moment forth, every inch of your body is mine. Resistance is futile.” 
He had descended like Satan, wantonly occupying her body and mind&h.e.l.lip; 
It’s fine. Even if he’s the devil, he would still be trampled beneath her feet.

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