








类别总裁 逆袭























内容简介:许骁为了逃避对许悠然的邪念,无所不用其极。最后还是没忍住。(男主坏蛋一个,强取豪夺的一把好手。)未删减版全文在微博,肖家兄妹的故事《禁忌沉沦》也在微博,免费txt,请勿花钱买盗文。微博 ID:周扶妖1w0-72223 >>


内容简介:她爱他成痴,为了不伤他自尊隐藏身份嫁他为妻,他心里却另有他人,纵容所有人贬她踩她,欺负她出身平凡无人撑腰,直到将她伤到鲜血淋漓。她终于看清一切,与他挥手再见,他再见他,只见顶级财团大佬 亲自为她开车门,世界级博士亲自为她正名,著名钢琴大师称她为师父,世界级围棋大师弯腰向她请教……他突然后悔了。“南轻,回来吧,我错了。”南轻:“我琴棋书画样样精通造诣匪浅,世人都巴结着我求我指教,我钱财无数站在1w46052-46673 >>


内容简介:叶玄穿越了,开局就继承了千亿集团。还带了金手指,可以看到所有人的属性、弱点、人生经历、内心想法。安晓梦:颜值96,身家亿,未婚,弱点:向往刺激飙车周冰倩:颜值100,身家20亿,未婚, 弱点:表面冰山总裁,内心喜欢二次元赵瑞龙:赵家大少爷,罪行1:杀死沈佳倩;罪行2:杀死余欢欢,证据:录音、照片,存放位置在……除此之外,叶玄还可以复制别人资料栏的技能,并花钱升级。叮……你复制了【低级车技】……叮,升级到神级【车神】。叮……你复制了【低级钢琴】……叮,升级到神级【钢琴之神】本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】1w0-83003 >>


内容简介:豪门司机因爱意外失事。重生修真界,却没什么修真天赋。几年之后,他只想在修真界找个门当户对的人家,安安稳稳的过日子。注意路人男主系列,不是爽文。PS300万字完结,长篇连载,每天一更1w 0-77849 >>


内容简介:炮灰Omega辞职不干了炮灰Omega辞职不干了小说阅读穿越重生小说炮灰Omega辞职不干了由作家酸橙创作接档文《说好的演戏呢【ABO】》求收藏~戳我专栏可见!曾经胆小怕事的夏思乔竟然 一个人干翻了五个Alpha?!夏思乔穿书成为校园甜文中炮灰Omega的瞬间,原身正准备当众告白书中男主贺裴。他看着神色冷漠的贺裴,淡定地清了清嗓子“我认为贺裴同学获奖的物理题有更好的解法…”三中的学生一开始只当他在讲笑话,也不瞧瞧在谁面前装学霸呢?直到后来…学渣夏思乔竟然考了年级第二?!众人目瞪口呆jpg夏思乔分化了,众人接着嘲讽“肯定是个不怎么样的Omega~”他们没看到,一向高傲矜贵的的校草贺裴,正把夏思乔按在角落“你怎么这么好闻?”小剧场“看到没有,隔壁学校校草正在大门口等夏思乔!”“看到了!话说夏思乔人呢?”夏思乔在哪?夏思乔正被堵在楼梯间,神色不善地盯着环住他的手臂“放开。”昔日的高岭之花校草贺裴耍赖一样将他圈在怀里“再往外走一步我就要亲你了。”开始矜贵冷漠后来又撩又骚(攻)X表面桀骜恣肆实则外硬内软(受)接档文文案简宁重生后被造星系统绑定,出名以后才可以自由。出道第一天参加颁奖礼,经纪人再三叮嘱他不要招惹顾衍琛。简宁在楼梯间信誓旦旦地保证”我知道,顾衍琛不是好人,我肯定绕着他走。“却没看到拐角处身型忻长的Alpha饶有兴致的目光。简宁第二天就被顾衍琛找上门来。顾衍琛指向桌子上的恋爱合约,语调懒散“跟我演情侣,这些钱都归你。”简宁被系统威胁着ooc,澄亮的双眼眨了眨“我不要钱,只要…”“哦?那你想要什么?”顾衍琛黑沉的眸子划过一丝兴味简宁痛快鞠躬“我要资源,越多越好,谢谢老板!干一行爱一行,您放心,我肯定给您演到位了!”顾衍琛“……”简宁觉悟极高,在片场也不忘营业。顾衍琛今天吃了蛋糕,可是没你甜,想你。然后侧头看向坐在旁边的顾衍琛“啊?你说什么?请我吃饭?”合约第一条绝对不能忘本,不许粘人。简宁边往门外走边向金主表达关心“不用不用,你快回去吧,再晚点就只能留宿在这边了。”顾衍琛一边看着特别关注新发的微博,一边看着小坏蛋毫不留恋的背影“……”简宁发情热到了,面色潮红。他看着眸色幽深的顾衍琛,声音绵软,带着轻吟。“抑制剂给我,你放心我自己可以的!”顾衍琛手指一松,抑制剂砸碎在地面。“乖,咱们不演了好不好?”顾衍琛亲吻着简宁后颈,低哑地说。玩世不恭毒舌美人攻X软萌可爱憨憨脑补受全程无虐小甜饼,可放心食用~1v1双洁小兵提供炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新章节炮灰Omega辞职不干了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-83737 >>


内容简介:身为少男少女不搞花边,兢兢业业,励精图治。虽然生活总是存在因为他的长相,而对他的能力产生的质疑,不容易等他功成名就,正要苦尽甘来的那一天,他被来自高纬度的系统绑定了,理由是他太风流了。 冷漠总裁脸的叶少泽终于忍不住崩了。1:本文主受,攻有精分技能,各种化身2:剧情苏雷酸爽。3:由于作者是个蛇精病,所以文风可能在重1w0-61604 >>

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Rasen Shounentan

A re-imagining of Gurren Lagann. In this alternate version of TTGL, Simon lives in Tepelen city and dreams of becoming a Gunmen pilot after having seen the stars through a crack in the sky. One day, he comes across a strange small Gunmen. The hatch opens, and out comes a beautiful girl named Nia.

Cross And Crime

A girl falls for a man who happens to be friends with a rock star club owner, and the rock star and the people who hang out at his club proceed to hurt her emotionally and physically, which could ruin her relationship with the man she loves – but is the rock star a good guy or a bad guy? From Baka-Updates: Tokano Yuuka has been going out with her boyfriend Yazaki Norikazu for a little over a year now but doesn’t get to see him everyday since he works in a different city as a newspaper writer. Although they are apart, they love each other and things are going well. Norikazu gets an opportunity to interview Saeki Keito, the lead singer of the most popular band in Japan, Zero Sum Game, because they were good friends in high school. Being a fan of the band, Yuuka gets to tag along. However, Yuuka soon finds herself being raped by the members of the band while Keito distracts Norikazu because it seems that Keito has an obsession with him. After the traumatic event, the relationship between the three becomes extremely complicated.

The Legend Of Mikazuchi

On a remote island Mikazuchi is training to become a swordmaster. He dreams of visiting the outside world where he can meet girls. He grew up with Honoka who holds complicated feelings about Mikazuchi. This small island is protected by the divine gods and receives no visitors. The only things that ever happen are small quarrels between Mikazuchi and Honoka. These peaceful days are shattered when Saya, a mysterious beautiful young woman, is washed upon the shore! The seal of the Yaoyorozu gods has been broken and a group of deformed monsters emerge. Honoka's parents prove powerless before the demons and are killed. Even the holy sword bestowed by the gods to protect the island since ancient times loses its divine powers and splits into two. Now they are faced with absolute danger! Then, Saya's sacred powers save them. The holy madonna Saya's blessings bestowed through a kiss brings about a Western sword that can destroy horrible monsters instantly. Mikazuchi begins his tumultuous journey carrying the holy sword. The story is set in Japan's Edo period, taking us through a whirlpool of conspiracy. The worlds of mythology and legend are interwoven into this definitive romantic action comic. With the slash of the two swords, one divine and one holy, a fascinating, neo-historical romance filled with mystery and surprises unfolds.

Love Steal

Love Steal summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Steal. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me summary: The Spy Who Loved Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Spy Who Loved Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life at High Tide

Life at High Tide summary: Life at High Tide summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life at High Tide. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Book of Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer summary: The Book of Common Prayer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Common Prayer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Coxswain's Bride

The Coxswain's Bride summary: The Coxswain's Bride summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coxswain's Bride. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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