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内容简介:新文《蜜芽的七十年代》已开关于本文男女主相遇相识的故事:萧铁峰是这么说的:午夜看守瓜地,逢绝色女妖,女妖绝色,吾不能忍,舍身镇之于瓜棚,瓜棚震裂。所各位书友要是觉得《天上掉下个美娇娘》 还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97969 >>




内容简介:——★全文完★——同类文《樱桃雪顶》求收,文案在最下方江肆十一岁时,精致、阴郁、自卑,厌世。父母是淮序出了名的杂碎,从城北搬家到城南的路上,人人都想踩他一脚。有人笃定说“他是受人唾弃的 命,烂根里长不出好苗。”“指不定将来怎么作恶。”同院有个娇气包,生得白净软香,瓷娃娃似的,磕一下就起好红的印。笑起来像画上的年娃娃,水剪的眸子蕴含星河灿烂。与江肆不同,施月是所有人捧在掌心里的宝。寒冬腊月,他被赶出家门。旁人都在看他笑话,只有施月,怯生生地上前,伸着肉嘟嘟的胳膊向他讨抱。江肆沉着脸,冰冷的眼神死死盯着,恐吓“走远点,别在这里碍我的眼。”—九年后,江肆果真长成了别人眼里彻头彻尾的烂人。他阴冷黑暗,以恶制恶,乖戾嚣张。他信奉暴力能压制一切不服。淮序再没人敢说他一句坏话。风生水起时,心底深藏的月亮忽然重新降临他身边,比记忆中更勾人夺魄。十八岁的施月墨发乌瞳,玫瑰含雪。粉裙下身材玲珑有致,该突有突,该细有细,身上的每一丝肉都长得极有分寸,臀形是曼妙的蜜桃形状,双腿白皙细直。长相纯得要命,身材却让人欲念横生,先天优势让她轻易成了公认校花。江肆与她重逢的第一眼就生出了个荒唐念头。他想娇养月亮,沾染月亮,亵渎月亮,把她藏起来,天天抱她亲她,再不让别人多看一眼。—施月出事当天,江肆是第一个冲进栖霞山的人。找到她的那刻,压抑十年的欲望一朝倾泄,他失控地勾着她的腰,压着她步步后退,直至抵住门板。门外风雪呼啸。他几近疯狂地靠近她,两只手腕反剪,细吻抽丝落下,雨打海棠那般不容抗拒。施月眼神晕乎乎湿漉漉,模样娇俏可人。唇齿微张,双眸紧阖,被迫承受。强烈的欢愉激得她溃不成军,大脑一度酥麻得像触电。江肆抬眸,眼前的人是妖精。—施月出现之前,没人知道江哥原来这么深情。无人的夜晚,夜夜抱着她的照片,亲吻上百遍,眼神化作绕指柔。嘴里念叨着月月,红着眼想她。她是天上高不可攀的月亮,月光落在他身上,凝成清冷的霜。而江肆甘愿屈从于月亮之下。什么都应她,日日欺负她。——她是江面上最干净美好的月亮。——恶犬amp白兔你老大终究是你老大【小剧场1】江肆带施月走鬼屋,施月怕的不行,一个劲儿往江肆身上跳。他只好把她抱起。出去过后,施月问他“四哥哥,你怕不怕?”江肆面不改色“怕。”施月纳闷“那你怎么不腿软?”“……”他闷声搂紧施月大腿,往上提了提。这种情况还软,那他该去看医生了。【小剧场2】李淼淼对施月提问——“请问爱情、金钱和快乐,你最想要什么?”施月睁着无辜的双眸“不能都要吗?”李淼淼痛心疾首,又问“做人要讲宗旨啊,咦,你中指是什么?”这个呀。施月开心地伸出干净纤细又白嫩的十根指头,小嘴巴拉巴拉地向 >>


内容简介:  (大国记·秦时明月征文金奖作品)  这里有天下寥寥、苍生涂涂的纵横家!  这里有修身、齐家、治国、平天下的儒家!  这里有天下皆白、唯我独黑的墨家!  这里有地泽万物、神农不死的农 家!  这里有其疾如风、其徐如林的兵家!  ……  当然,这里也有我们亘古不衰的小说家!  本书群号:122156987,喜欢的来唠唠嗑!1w0-2861 >>


内容简介:   李淼淼穿越了,穿成年代文里愚孝男和软包子的闺女,一家子老实人为了不让自己那么憋屈,李淼淼首要目标就是改造她爸妈,远离女主一家然而,计划还没实施,她爸妈就和以前不一样了她 :????就很迷说好的一家子都是老实人呢?怎么还自带极品buff?PS:欢乐年代文,不憋屈,发家致富流~~~~1w0-2377 >>

Yorube Naki Mono

Set in feudal-era Japan, Yorube Naki Mono centers around prostitutes, assassins, and the grimier sides of city life. One night, a mysterious young man named Shikon is introduced as the newest member of Saiga's group of assassins for hire. Shikon is outgoing and flirtatious, but Saiga can sense there's more to Shikon than he lets on... A chance encounter on a moonlit night leads to two destinies awakening.

Shina Dark

Welcome to the cursed island of Shina Dark. This island is called home by the dark lord Exoda C. Claw AKA Satan. He's as powerful a being as you could ever hope to meet. Feared and hated the world over for the infinite amount of atrocities he's committed. He's.....actually a really nice guy who just wants to chill out around the castle and relax... After a month long nap he awakens to find that the rest of the world has made up another ridiculous rumor and blown it way out of proportion and that has caused his little island to be crowded with a thousand beautiful princesses meant to be his mistresses/sacrifices. Worse yet is that since they have set foot on his island they are all believed to be cursed and are now shunned by their homelands. What’s a couch potato Satan to do with 1000 women who wont leave? Who can say? From Operation Boredom: During an eclipse, demon Lord Exoda. C. Crown was revived. He is supposed to bring chaos and destruction to the world. The world is panicking, and as a sacrifice to the demon lord, they decide to send 1,000 girls to the demonic island, Shina Dark. However, in Shina Dark, all the legends are lies. Exoda does not sleep with 10 girls a night, and keep the others prisoners. He does not lust for girls, he does not want to cause mass destruction - he simply wants to live in peace. So when 1,000 girls suddenly show up in his island and refuse to leave, what will happen to Exoda, who simply wants to be left alone? From Baka-Updates

Eien O Sagashite

After her beloved mother's death, Honor faced a lifetime of loneliness... In the presence of others, she holds back her tears and strives to keep her mother's restaurant going, but her tears won't stop flowing when she is alone. 'Are you alright?' a kind voice asks. The voice belongs to a man named Trace. Even though they have never met, Honor is comforted by his gentle eyes and warm hands. She is quickly drawn to this man, until she finds out the brutal truth. Trace befriended her for a purpose. Not only that, Honor begins to discover the secret behind her own birth...

Torokeru You Na Kiss Wo Kanadete

For two years, Neo-chan has been dating the vocalist Gaku. After their first night together, she writes and sings a song which overflows with her feelings for Gaku. After hearing her song, Gaku seeks out Neo’s talent… but when things become serious, a dangerous mood develops. The two then lose connection for 3 months. During that time, Neo finds out that Gaku has a major debut with the song she wrote?!

Wow! I'm Gay!

Wow! I'm Gay! summary: Hunter realizes that he 's gay after years of his mom trying to tell him.(This is a crack fic that I wrote a while ago but enjoy)

The Development of Embroidery in America

The Development of Embroidery in America summary: The Development of Embroidery in America summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Development of Embroidery in America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Manager of the Other World Brothel

Manager of the Other World Brothel summary: When I was tossed into this world as a world traveller, it was back when I was still a kid.
As a compensation, the ability I got was every kind of magic specialised in the management of hygiene, and physical condition.
My power has absolutely no use in battle but, as a manager of a brothel, it’s indispensable.
It’s already been several years since I’ve been entrusted with the shop by the Owner who saved my life.
Tonight too, the lights are on in the brothel 「Papillon’s Somnium」, raising the night’s curtains smeared with money and pa.s.sion.
Please I urge you to stop by, dear customer.
Our shop has a.s.sembled only the best beauties, we sincerely await your arrival dear customer.

Fuyuu Gakuen no Alice and Shirley

Fuyuu Gakuen no Alice and Shirley summary: One day, people awoke to find themselves with the superhuman ability called Dialecte. They gathered in the academy city “Canaan” that was isolated from the general public – a futuristic town floating in the sky. Masaki was a high school student who had a peaceful hobby of making pastries and yet he was judged to have the peerless ability “Glow Verbaliser” so he changed schools.
He meets up with his childhood friend Shirley along with the quiet and mysterious Alice. The two of them are the strongest “Breaker” pair who supervise the rule-breakers of the school regulations regarding the misuse of illusions…but they break up over a trivial argument. Furthermore, since Masaki has the power that’s called peerless, Alice chooses him as her new partner.
The strongest! The unluckiest? Let’s raise the curtain on the maximum level tea and sweets superpower school battle!!

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