




























类别都市 恋爱 霸总




内容简介:明姝沉迷于一本小说废寝忘食小说里的反派暴君深得她心奈何身为反派下场奇惨无比!愤怒写下千字差评一觉醒来她穿进了书里成为暴君新出炉的倒霉贵妃。看着眼前活生生的暴君明姝风中凌乱——这不是我崽 ?众人眼里的暴君嗜杀成性心狠手辣是位人人闻之色变的活阎王!明姝眼里的暴君怕黑怕打雷爱撒娇缺乏安全感心地善良嗜甜如命……这是什么绝世小可爱?!呜呜呜崽崽麻麻耐你!!为了改变崽崽惨死的结局母爱泛滥的明姝化身护崽狂魔!怒怼太后痛骂朝臣手撕宫妃……可是等等为什么崽崽看她的眼神越来越不对劲?——司褚幼时总是梦到一个少女她耐心教他读书认字细心为他处理伤口在每个雷雨夜温柔哄他入睡。后来有一天少女不见了。他掘地三尺也没把人找到。于是执念成魔双眼赤红他发了疯。就在他慨叹世间无趣打算毁天灭地的时候。他见到了一双亮晶晶会说话的眼睛。暴君眼神阴郁偏执唇边勾起凉薄笑意好啊倒是自己送上门了。——众人皆知暴君最是厌恶貌美娇弱嚣张跋扈的女子也不知那位娇滴滴的贵妃娘娘能活几时?*你来人间一趟记得看看太阳。1w15139-100627 >>


内容简介:旅行时意外来到千多年以前,该如何面对难以预测的未来。好在你并不是一个人,你有一个团队在支持你。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《新宋英烈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦! 1w0-81620 >>


内容简介:小兵提供八耳九空大神最新作品《怀了豪门少爷的崽》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,怀了豪门少爷的崽小说txt下载,怀了豪门少爷的崽小说笔趣阁,怀了豪门少爷的崽无弹窗!本站最新最快更新怀了豪门少 爷的崽小说最新章节。1w0-71126 >>


内容简介:养吸血鬼当宠物,收吕布灵魂当小弟,学会孙悟空七十二变,在去倭国装个初代火影,只有你想不到,没有我扯不到。Q群571278049本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市爆笑修仙》还不错的话请不要 忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83719 >>


内容简介:《家教掉马进行时》云雀恭弥,并盛中学风纪委员长,最强的不良少年,极度爱校,每天都在血雨腥风的厮杀中度过。被迫当上彭格列十代目的沢田纲吉迫于恩师礼包恩的淫威,每天都在激怒云雀恭弥的底线上 大鹏展翅,提心吊胆的生怕自己不知道什么时候就被对方打死在某个巷子里。沢田纲吉一直认为对方一定会注孤生。直到某一天无意间发现了某人不为人知的秘密。远处——陌生的女孩子:哎,恭弥你在干什么呢?这个人是怎么回事?云雀:……再抓抢劫犯,抓到了1w0-69802 >>


内容简介:“房东,因为工作调动,我要到魔都工作,所以您看房子的押金……”“退押金?不用这么麻烦的。”“我在魔都也有房子,你直接搬过去就行,租金照旧。”“可我是在东方塔附近工作……”“东方塔?那我 还真没有民用住宅,没事,我去买一套就是了。”“对了,我这人比较怕麻烦,以后如果还有什么工作调动的话,你得提前给我说一声。”“全球大大小小的城市,我基本都有房。”“即便是没有的,那以后也会有的。”“只要你提前跟我说,给我留出一些购置的时间就行。”……挂断电话,林凡便出门登上了私人飞机。殊不知自己的电话,却偶然被妹妹的直播间给全程录了下来。看着屏幕上疯狂滚动的弹幕,整个直播间瞬间沸腾了起来!1w11142-29052 >>

Grand Sun

In Japan, criminals are running rampant, and the law enforcement quality is worse than it has ever been. Anyone who has a large amount of money or is even a bit famous is liable to be kidnapped at any time, and it happens constantly. Bodyguards have become a necessity for anyone who doesn't want to be held captive, and special schools have been created for the soul purpose of training body guards and special organizations called vigilante groups that are made up of of highly trained people with advanced combat skills enforce the law since the police do not. Asahi is part of a vigilante group called Nekomata, which makes its headquarters in a cafe of the same name in downtown Tokyo. Asahi is still young, but she's the best of the best working in the city, and is very passionate about her job. Then she gets called to a security school and offered a contract to be the bodyguard of the incredibly famous Kisaragi Sakuya, the rich heir to the Kisaragi Group and the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize with his incredible inventions. However, all of his previous bodyguards quit because of his personality and rather unfortunate hobby of testing his inventions on his bodyguards. Asahi accepts, and is whisked away from her rough-and-tumble home in Tokyo to a totaly different enviroment: the Kisaragi mansion. Eventually, she mangages to befriend Sakuya, and friendship grows into romance. Now, she must work to thwart the various criminals attempting to kidnap Sakuya, 90% of which want his money and 10% his skill, for if Sakuya were to join a criminal society and invent weapons for them, they would become the best in the world. Note: Originally used in Emura's W-Juliet II, the sequel to W-Juliet. The characters Sakuya and Asahi are played by W-Juliet's main characters, Ito and Makoto.

The Siren And The Girl

The Siren and the Girl summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Siren and the Girl. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rakka Ryuusui

After learning that she had passed the entrance examinations to enter the Sakuraba Girl's High School, Hayama Akiho, while attempting to escape from club recruitment staff, experiences love at first sight when she meets the president of the kyūdō club, Hokaze Minatsu... Rakka Ryuusui is a 4-koma yuri comedy, and the setting is that of the kyūdō club in the school and its members.


From Attractive Fascinante: 1. I'll Deliver It Aogaki Kouhei, a famous designer, was kind to everyone else except to Hasegawa. The weird thing was, he always gave Hasegawa expensive desserts. Hasegawa felt puzzled, but gradually fell in love with the arrogant man. While making a delivery to Aogaki on a rainy day, Aogaki dragged him into his house to wash his feet for him. Did Hasegawa have a special place in Aogaki's heart too? 2. The Other Side of the Porch 3. Satisfaction 4. The Beginning 5. The Depth of Love 6. Turnaround Time 7. 8 Mats of Suite 8. Do Me a Favor Follow up of story 1.

Great Possessions

Great Possessions summary: Great Possessions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Great Possessions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Companion - The Hunger

The Companion - The Hunger summary: The Companion - The Hunger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Companion - The Hunger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spirit Gate

Spirit Gate summary: Spirit Gate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Spirit Gate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman summary: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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