







神医弃女 老版

类别恋爱 古风
























内容简介:1跟大帅哥的第一次交集是在那天。林时兮不小心踩了他的脚,原本想问他没事吧,又想先说不好意思,结果一时嘴瓢,冷不丁脱口而出一句“没意思。”沈妄:“?”大帅哥终于直起腰来,垂着眼睫面无表情 地看着她。——那你想怎样?——要不您在我脚上蹦个迪?2再次交集是在她去帮朋友要大帅哥的微信号。林时兮紧张之下将二维码点成了个人收款码。沈妄一顿,看她的眼神都不对了“你问我微信,还要收我钱?”林时兮:“……啊?”沈妄“同学,你到底是干嘛”3许久之后,林时兮才发现这位拽得跟个二五八万似的大少爷,居然真穿了她送的美少女战士衣服。”彼时,沈妄倚着门框看她,还是那副三分拽三分傲的模样。“老子这么爷们的一个人,为了你,连美少女战士衣服都穿了。”沈妄说着,扬了扬眉梢,自己都没忍住低声笑了“林时兮,我牺牲大了,你别不认账。”1v1甜文林时兮×沈妄云川各位书友要是觉得《贪恋她》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95090 >>


内容简介:雨果从宿醉中醒来,却发现全人类进入了全民领主游戏。每个领主都拥有了自己的初始领地,或村庄,或城堡,都老老实实地募兵、种田、发育。而雨果却发现自己的初始领地竟然是一条船,并且还附带了传说 生物海灵!在陆地上的领主们,为了一点点资源争得你死我活时,雨果正在探索新大陆,开辟新世界。当陆地上的领主们,为了一点点利益勾心斗角时,雨果在研发新科技,解锁魔法的奥秘。当其他领主终于开始发展海洋战力时,雨果已1w0-93143 >>


内容简介:  待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。黄巢振臂,昔日震烁古今的大唐王朝走向覆灭,五代十国乱世开启,金戈铁马寻常事,是非成败转头空。在汹涌浪潮的末尾和高潮, 后周北宋之间那些年,史从云早知道周世宗雄才伟略,赵匡胤君临天下,听说过南唐大小周后,知道后蜀花蕊夫人。中原群雄割据,北方契丹虎视眈眈。风云际会,天翻地覆之际,史从云跟着只长肌肉不长脑的大爹,该如何在乱世中谋存。一步步从胸无大志,只想苟全性命于乱世的小人物成长为气吞天下的雄主......(主角比较不守规矩,卫道士误入)1w0-3053 >>


内容简介:原名:重生后我成了护夫狂魔。前世,云七念太作,直接把自己给作死了!重活一次,看着眼前帅得让人神魂颠倒的老公,她只想喊:宠他!宠他!宠他!老公喜欢什么?买!老公被人欺负?打!老公要她亲亲 抱抱举高高?没问题!老公说要再生个猴子,云七念:……???什么叫再?直到有一天,一个q版的软萌小包子出现在她面前,她才明白一切。从此以后,誓要更加宠他,爱他,珍惜他!1w0-3626 >>


内容简介:关于霸天战皇:【2o14ampgt这是一个武者为尊的大世界!少年叶凌,出身低微,资质平平,却有着坚韧不拔的心态。一次变故,让叶凌融合了从天而降的神秘蓝光,从此成为绝世天才,在腥风血雨的 成长过程中,傲啸九天。各位书友要是觉得《霸天战皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71697 >>


内容简介:①【本文狗血。本文双渣。本文不洁。】②【本文HE。】【本文不入V。】③【基本日更,不更请假。每晚24:00更新。】——这是一本讲‘低俗’的书,谈不上高雅,也谈不上文学性。“他在我的笔记 本上画了一个「马斯洛需求层次金字塔」顶层是‘自我成就’最底层是‘呼吸、食物、性、住房、健康’他在‘性’上划了个叉:「我们的制度非常聪明,管住人最基本的需求。于是我们满脑子就剩下这些,其他什么都不想了。」”——《走出中东》有时,性比一切都危险。CP:魏北x沈南逸男星(受)x文学作家(攻)沈南逸:我只忠实描写人类欲念。魏北:拍点成人电影还犯法吗。沈南逸:为你点播一首《血腥爱情故事》。魏北:那我就给您唱《烂泥》吧。——别舍下我纵是这种烂泥。——能亲近你纵被你踩在脚下也矜贵。至于虐不虐,见仁见智。1w0-84269 >>

Watashi No Ookami-San

Watashi no Ookami-san is a fantasy love comedy and consists of two volumes: Brave and Lycanthrope and The Other Side of Lycanthrope. The Other Side also contains 2 other small stories that Fujiwara had done previously. Bored of sitting around holding a wine glass all day, the Demon Lord is looking for something new. Something cute. Someone like Komomo, the level 0 heroine who has just appeared before him, ready to vanquish him like all heroes (or heroines) do. Faced with a demon king who'd rather watch TV under a kotatsu and make out with her than spread evil over the land, what will Komomo do? Watashi no Ookami-san is continued in Dear, [[ http://mangafox.me/manga/dear_fujiwara_cocoa/ ]] .

Love Lesson

Yuusuke's senior, Ichijou, tells him an old horror story of an ill-fated lover who, rumor has it, was left to die in what is now the present-day basement of one of the school's buildings. Sent on an errand inbetween classes, Yusuke can't help but recall the story as he makes his way through the eerie surroundings, when suddenly...he blacks out... Released in volume 1 of the Finder series, Target in the Viewfinder.

Kurogane Hime

The Japanese government developed a military project where they created Tekki, schoolgirls who were altered to strengthen their body by replacing their bones with steel and artificial muscles. The Tekki are experts with the katana and are allowed to fight in the streets to determine the cream of the crop. Those who repair the Tekki are medical experts called Toui and they work to maintain and improve the girls. Sakuradamon is an academy built to train girls like Honoka Asami, a Tekki and Nagamitsu Yomogi, a Toui. Asami is a mysterious and powerful fighter while Yomogi is a medical child prodigy and they have to work together if they value their lives on campus.

Zashiki Onna

From Manga-Sketchbook: One night, mild-mannered college student, Hiroshi Mori, bumps into a woman visiting his next-door neighbor. A large, creepy woman, she has long hair, wears a coat and carries shopping bags in both hands. He had never seen her before. But then, without warning, the woman starts stalking Hiroshi, shifting her attention from his next-door neighbor whom she had been visiting to Hiroshi himself. Who is she and what is she after? Originally published in 1993 - before the term 'stalker' was acknowledged in Japanese society, this well-written horror manga is about a young man pursued by a mystery woman. Serialized for just ten weeks, this short, single-volume manga unusually become a hit bestseller, selling a staggering 400,000 copies. Regularly chosen as 'the scariest manga ever' in magazine horror specials.

Cleo The Magnificent

Cleo The Magnificent summary: Cleo The Magnificent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cleo The Magnificent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Legend Of Eternal Life

The Legend Of Eternal Life summary: The Legend Of Eternal Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Legend Of Eternal Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho

Being Swayed by the Deluded Shacho summary: ‘Are you frustrated?’ he asked&h.e.l.lip; Sakamoto was in love with her boss, but he only treats her like his little sister. What is Sakamoto to do?

A Village Ophelia and Other Stories

A Village Ophelia and Other Stories summary: A Village Ophelia and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Village Ophelia and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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