











总裁在上 真人版





















内容简介:天生万物,众生有灵!既生于苍穹之下,怎可困顿于陋室之中……那一日,汉子决定跳出樊笼,抬手之间力破苍穹。故友旧识归天去,独留我身在人间。终于,少年开窍……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《灯火 人间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84287 >>


内容简介:  “天龙道宗乃九耀星八大无上大宗之一,本座更为天龙道宗道子,你得罪了本座,只要本座一声令下,剑仙如云……”“轰!”秦林叶对准九耀星隔空一拳。拳劲蕴含的力量洞穿大气层,犹如一颗直径数十 公里的致密星以上千公里的秒速度狠狠撞击地面。大地融化、星核粉碎。烈焰和岩浆席卷起的浪潮以超音速源源不断朝四面八方扩散,地壳表面的山川、河流、森林,被完全剥离,撞击抛起的尘埃与岩石直接飞向了大气层,并在下一刻……咔嚓。毁灭性的力量贯穿星辰,掠过星空,消失在无尽深幽。星球崩裂、炸散!粉碎!犹如一朵闪耀在星海中的烟花。“你刚才说什么,剑仙如云下面呢?我好像没有听清楚。”秦林叶举着拳,看向这位天龙道宗道子。1w0-1726 >>


内容简介:【对他来说,她就是一场突如而来的瘟疫——侵入肺腑,无法治愈。若爱无疾,该当如何?她曾经是他的命,后来是他的恨,最终成了他心尖上拔不去的刻骨衷情。】受过一次伤害的顾先生立志要斩掉温小姐的 翅膀,让她插翅都难再飞,可到头来,他还是被温小姐给降服了。顾先生:“……”他看着躺在怀抱里的女子,暗自磨牙,他只是又被她迷惑了而已!又名《你是我戒不掉的一场瘟疫》【我们都在为爱而冲破束缚,然后飞向彼此,纵然过程痛苦而漫长,可爱你的心坚定不移。】——又名《如果爱》亲爱的江先生走了,傲娇的顾渣渣来了,这是一篇关于重逢与爱的故事,希望宝贝们喜欢。~新书,求收藏,求各种抚爱~1w0-3858 >>


内容简介:重生洪荒世界,成了太阳星上孕育的先天神圣,太一,在还未化形之初,吞噬帝俊本源精华,直接孕育盘古圣体!一化形,便是盘古混沌圣体!从此,太一证道太阳大帝,迎娶两位太阴女神,掌握阴阳,号令洪 荒。修,最强的大道!睡,最美的女仙!元始天尊:太一大帝神功无敌,贫道不敢与大帝争锋。通天教主:我的诛仙四剑,根本比不得太一大帝的帝王之刃万分之一。十二祖巫:大帝,我们献上巫族无数美女,祈求追随大帝左右,替大帝治理洪荒世界。鸿钧道祖:大帝,这六道鸿蒙紫气,全都送给你如何?1w0-70510 >>


内容简介:【每天早上九点准时更新,有事请假条】我们要悄悄变海,然后惊艳所有人一个乖乖女的非典型叛逆史一个从小就讲五美四德的乖乖女穿越成为了脾气暴躁的假小子小胖子,还被系统要求树立叛逆人设以达到变 强的目的,一开始,许绿表示怎么破?在线等,挺急的。后来,后来许绿逐渐尝到了叛逆的快乐……叛逆过后——她变成了全网最受欢迎的奶味嘴臭主播。她让妈妈粉们磕cp磕到昏头。她还女扮男装混进了联盟青训营,成为了联盟最受欢迎的暴躁弟弟。此外,她还学会了格斗,打趴了一群曾经看不起她的高中帅小伙。她成为了网文大神,并且以一己之力黑掉了所有盗文网站。她拥有了很多很多的马甲,每一个马甲都无比炫酷,让人膜拜赞叹。后来,这些马甲都穿在了许绿一个人身上。人们发现,这个曾经曾经的暴躁假小子变瘦了,变白了,猫眼微弯,温柔一笑,轻而易举就能吸引身边所有人的目光。只可惜一开口便是“你旺仔牛逼糖吃多了?”“给爷爬?”“小废物!”小剧场某乎提问【饱爷爷(许绿)到底是怎么从一个平平无奇的主播变成现在的联盟直播界新星的】许绿冷酷“因为叛逆。”粉丝们“不对,因为口嫌体直脾气暴躁声音好听无意识撒娇加和谁都有cp感特别讨人喜欢!”超大声。许绿我累了,世界毁灭吧。海王文,涉及游戏,校园,电竞,网文题材,总之……爽就对了。作者是个文案废,大家看文就好。女主会逐渐从小可爱变成大魔头。【本文前三章已经全部修改,如果看到的还是之前的文,请删除下载文件之后重新查看~】君幸食最新鼎力大作,必看女生小说1w0-87781 >>


内容简介:一抹胭脂一韶光最新章节由网友提供《一抹胭脂一韶光》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的科幻灵异类型小说,一抹胭脂一韶光由作家蓝樱重霄创作,小兵免费提供一抹胭脂一韶光最新清爽干 净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:蓝樱来自幽冥界,她是地狱中一朵神花!经过百年修炼,终于迎来飞升之日!可万万没有想到,她的元神被最爱的重霄凝聚掌心,花叶分离的痛令她动弹不得!直到这一刻她才明白,原来他之所以将她护在身后,并非真的在乎,而是为了拿她的元神去延续一个凡人女子的生命!1w0-103176 >>

Kagerou Inazuma Mizu No Tsuki

A collection of stories set amongst the oiran (high-rank courtesans before the time of geisha) in (mostly) the Yoshiwara district of Edo, a famous historical 'red-light district.' 1. Kagerou no Shou When Kagerou was a child, her parents sold her to be trained as an oiran in Yoshiwara. On her way there, she fell in love with the man who transported her, Ryuuji, and insisted that he be her first sexual customer when she grew up. Now, she is approaching the time when she will lose her virginity, but will Ryuuji be able to be her first? 2. Inazuma no Shou Wakana works in Yoshiwara, but she plans to one day buy her own way out. She seduces presents out of the men who buy her, in order to save money for her future. But one man, Mitsunori, is not like all the others. Will the skilled seductress Wakana be able to cope with real emotion? 3. Mizu no Tsuki no Shou Suigetsu is approaching the time when she's meant to lose her virginity. One day, she miraculously meets with a relative who knows her by her real name: Saya. Is it possible for her to be rescued from this life? 4. Nagasaki Bojou Suigetsu, an oiran-in-training in Nagasaki, is slated to lose her virginity. However, she's been told she's going to have a Dutch man as a partner! She's frightened of sleeping with a foreigner who may not even speak her language! However, the man in question is nothing like she feared...

Tsumetai Kemono Ni Kawarete

A collection of one-shots including ties, ropes, classrooms, and office desks. from Attractive Fascinante 1,2)Be Kept/Played by Cold Beast- His family's company is on the verge of a merger with the Nikaidou Group, and Haruka, the youngest son of Fujiwara Trading, is sent to the president of the Nikaidou Group, Tamaki. Treated as a tool by his father, and a pet by Tamaki, will Haruka choose duty or desire? 3)Be My Slave- Narimiya is in love with Sakurai Sensei, but even though they've been intimate, Sensei won't let him go all the way. Narimiya is determined to show Sensei he can be a dependable guy. 4)The Sweet Control- When artist Yuu is 'bought' by businessman Kagari Ouya he gets a place to live, beautiful things, and the kind of life he's never had before. But the one thing Yuu really wants is to own Ouya exclusively... 5)Love Label A- Company heir and uke Kagami Hinata is unlucky in love. After his latest love affair ends badly, he begins using his cold-eyed secretary and childhood friend Tonami for comfort. But Tonami isn't protesting... 6)In the Form of an Egg- High school student Hina is in love with his cousin and roommate Shou. But Shou is a musician and playboy, so there's no shortage of women. Will Hina ever be able to express himself?

Hatsune Mix

A manga based on Yamaha's voice synthesizer VOCALOID and it's mascots, mainly Miku Hatsune. In every new chapter there is a different Miku, showing you the world of music!

Blind Marchen

The love story between a blind girl who lives in fairytales and a hard boiled boy who no longer believes. After the accident, Ai Rin is no longer too sure. She cannot see, and she isn't even sure if her 'family' is her real one. She doesn't remember if she had any sisters or even an angry mother. While Lee Su's family was completely destroyed. His father is now drunk, and he doesn't have any money to pay for the surgery his little sister needs. He stopped believing in magic and fairytales long ago. But the two meet by chance, Ai Rin, a fairytale writer, and Lee Su, a hat seller.

History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present

History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present summary: History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Freelands

The Freelands summary: The Freelands summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Freelands. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Birth Of A New Moon

The Birth Of A New Moon summary: The Birth Of A New Moon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Birth Of A New Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Into the Primitive

Into the Primitive summary: Into the Primitive summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Into the Primitive. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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