




在这个方块构成的世界 人类与怪物不断地争斗 而一名少年的出现 或将逆转一切 (漫画粉丝群:849201789)




类别都市 恋爱


简介【建议15岁以上阅读】韩亚璃24岁硕士兼助教,一觉醒来发现自己酒后乱性,睡了那个跟自己几乎算是死对头的系上教授老板! 原本以为会是井水不犯河水的同居生活,却在一夕之间跨越了大红线,还直奔本垒!! 怎么办怎么办? 虽然教授凶巴巴又不爱讲话,却举手投足体贴温柔,跟之前的印象完全不一样,害她小鹿乱撞,一颗心儿砰砰跳。 剪不断,理还乱,两人肉体以上,恋人未满的关系,到底会持续到什么时候呢?




简介人机狼漫画 ,在泊伊多区域过着和平生活的少女真白。被从天而降的侵略者多米雷特组织所冚村铲!真白被多米雷特那毫无人性的所作所为感到愤怒,加上被视为亲妹妹般的玛伊惨遭杀害。为了复仇,毅然和村子的守护者,传说中的星型机订下了契约!本格巨大热血机器人漫画,就此开幕


















内容简介:一家即将倒闭的侦探事务所。一名走投无路的三流侦探。却在意外之间被流落到地球的超级侦探系统绑定,开启了侦探界的传奇人生!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级侦探系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您 QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63447 >>




内容简介:骂一句沙比,也能获积分;送人一顶绿帽大赚积分。穿越到异界的宅男王小剑,脑海里多了一个王者荣耀嘲讽系统。妩媚倾城的狐女妲己,冷若冰霜的冰女王昭君,美艳无双的猫娘阿珂,风华绝代的舞女貂蝉。 潇洒飘逸的李白……只要有足够积分,就能换到所有英雄和技能!妲己:“主人,鸡棒是什么意思?”王昭君:“帮你消消火。”阿珂:“想叫就叫吧,反正是最后一声了。”孙尚香:“来一发吗,满足你。”……“看我青莲剑歌,啊不1w17711-26588 >>


内容简介:简介:萧令月,北秦国又蠢又坏的萧家大小姐,痴恋翊王,设计逼他娶她为妃,却在大婚花轿中惨死,血染长街!再睁眼,现代医毒世家传人穿越而来。人人辱她、欺她、讥讽她,连夫君都要把她活活掐死!很 好,她这辈子还没受过这种委屈,索性顶着污名,扑倒战神夫君,扔下一纸休书跑路。北秦国万人敬仰、战无不胜的翊王爷满身怒火:“来人,掘地三尺也要给我抓住她!”五年后,她摇身一变,披着马甲重回京城,正准备有仇报仇,有怨报怨。谁知转头就落到了前夫手里。隔天,王府就传来消息,翊王爷抱着枕头站在卧室门外哄王妃:“乖,让本王进去睡吧。”“找你的侧妃去!”翊王勃然色变,“什么侧妃?除了王妃之外,本王不近女色!”1w115643-126536 >>


内容简介:【简介】她爱他深入骨髓,从四岁开始她的心里就住进了一个叫裴祁佑的名字。为了他岌岌可危的事业,她甚至不惜自己为陌生夫妇养育孩子。二十年的默默守护,等来的却是他跪在其她女人跟前许下一生一世 的承诺。没人知道她是他结婚证上的另一半,被困在一场有名无实的婚姻里多年。“裴祁佑,你永远不知道为了爱你我究竟付出了什么!”“那就永远不要告诉我。”他说完毫不留恋地甩门而去,她却在客厅里一夜坐到天亮。那一天是她二十四岁生日,离婚协议跟五百万支票是他送她的礼物。离婚后,一个穿着小西装、像足自己的孩子闯入了她平静的生活。郁绍庭,丰城风光无限的钻石级单身汉,却阴差阳错成了她孩子的父亲!“你前夫是我侄女的未婚夫,你是我孩子的亲妈,你说咱俩什么关系?”过往种种屈辱浮现在眼前,她望着这个只手遮天的男人:“你,我要不起。”白筱对裴祁佑的爱,就像她脚踝处的曼陀罗刺青,每走一步就多疼一分。有一天她告诉他:“你只知黑色曼陀罗稀有,却不知道它的花语是绝望的爱。”后来他恍悟,再回头去寻找,那朵曼陀罗却早已凋零在被他遗忘的时光里……——————————【男主】姓郁名绍庭。。。。。【小男主】姓郁名景希。。。。。。【在此特作说明】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《爱你入骨·隐婚总裁,请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w5385-72113 >>



Semi-Eternal Happy End

Nanako Kobayashi, a 17-year-old teenager, has an ugly face who seems to not have a care for the world. One day, she got a call, only to be given two choices to answer a question. A devil suddenly appears, taking the form of her teddy bear. The devil is willing to grant her three wishes; each based on two options; What wishes will Nanako choose? [From Ushi]: 'Once upon a time I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of following my fancies as a butterfly, and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Suddenly I woke, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.' -Chinese proverb from 3rd century B.C.

Takeru - Opera Susanoh Sword Of The Devil

From Snow Kiss Scanlations: Once there was a legend of a sword. It is said that the sword of a rune god was sealed up in 'Jagara-Mogara'. When the spirits of Light, Water, and Earth come together, the seal will break, then the sword will be immortalised. That is the sword of Susanoh. Izumo, Kumaso, and Oguna, upon pursuing the sword of Susanoh, came to the nation of Jagara ruled by an Empress and her army of women. They got involved in the wars between Jagara and Amamikado, but what awaits them isn't the clash between two nations, but the darkness involved with the sword of Susanoh that everyone is seeking.

Ai Ga Aru Kara

1) Ai ga Aru kara An insatiable lust for men has landed Matsuzoe with his fair share of them. However, after sleeping with a new and younger acquaintance, he’s gripped by an inexplicable sadness. 2) Re:Cycle Tomo picked up a stray cat even though it was against his apartment's regulation and got kicked out. Luckily Yuusuke suggests that they live together instead. 3) Kemono Dou Even though Kaji has no problems finding transient love, he is looking for more than just a one night stand. 4) Omoeba Tooku e Kita Mada It is almost dawn and the taxi driver picks up a passenger that tells him 'Let's go to the beach'. 5) Dourakuteki Matomo na Nichijou Kousaka is fretting about his workplace; his boss seems to be completely nonplussed whether the cafe will go under. 6) SWEETOGRAPHY Yamanobe looks like he is leading the charmed life but Itou slowly learns that there are many things that he can't exactly talk about with others. 7) Hana Aogu The heir to a flower arranging business is being pressured to marry soon. On the eve of the marriage interview he meets a man who makes him question his duty to his family. 8) Tooku de Mikaketa Ano Hito wa Matsuzoe (from chapter1) sees Masaki by chance on his way to his latest conquest's place. 9) Afterword

Destiny's Hand

A pirate ship that cannot be sunk led by a dying Captain who will not give up. His final wish before he dies is to find the legendary Devil's Eye. And who does he appoint to lead his fearless crew in search of the lost treasure, but Olivia Soldana, a brash 16-year-old girl who can outdo any man.

Taming The Las Vegas Playboy

Taming The Las Vegas Playboy summary: Taming The Las Vegas Playboy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Taming The Las Vegas Playboy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Sportsman's Sketches

A Sportsman's Sketches summary: A Sportsman's Sketches summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sportsman's Sketches. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Natural History in Anecdote

Natural History in Anecdote summary: Natural History in Anecdote summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Natural History in Anecdote. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Principles of Masonic Law

The Principles of Masonic Law summary: The Principles of Masonic Law summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Principles of Masonic Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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